Chapter 14

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A/N: This section of the story will probably be the last part that goes along the story line. The rest will be completely up to me. I know I jump around a lot, but that is just sort of how I write. In all honesty, I'm pretty used to writing shorter pieces. In my future writings, there may be some improvement.

*Tsunade P.O.V.

Pain is planning to attack the village now. After all he has already taken to me. He took Jiraiya's life. My best friend, the person I loved. "Lady Tsunade, should we get all the ninja back from their missions?(Y/n) and a few other jonin are out on a mission." Shizune asks. I place my hands under my chin, "I think we are going to need ever ninja we can get."

With that said I send word out for (y/n) and her group to get back immediately. While I go out to prepare for one hell of a fight.

*Kakashi's P.O.V.*

I hope I can get there in time. I approach to where one of the versions of Pain is. Oh no. "Go on everyone, I'll take him as I walk up to them." "Kakashi sensei are you sure?" I nod. Little did I know that this would be my last fight.

(Skip all the fighting, preferably because it's really difficult for me to write fights. If you would like to watch the fight, I would prefer that)

I'm completely trapped, wait what is he doing. Pain holds a nail in his hand. "You shall know pain." He then flicks it towards me. I couldn't move I've used up all my chakra. Then all I could feel was the piercing pain. Then all I seen was darkness.

*Back to normal P.O.V."

I'm finally back to the Leaf Village. Why does Pain want to attack now? You look around and see complete and utter chaos. There were so many down ninja, some even dead. You then notice one body in which you hoped was not along with the bunch. "Ka-Kakashi...." You run over towards him not paying any mind to the version of Pain right in front of you. No pulse, he was stone cold. Tears begin to form in your eyes. "No, I can't lose you. No. Kakashi!!!!" You pull his lifeless body to you. Sobbing into him. Why? We were just getting what we wanted in life. Now what's going to happen. Our child won't be able to look at his father the day he/she is born. We haven't even married yet. He didn't even get a chance to know I was pregnant yet.

You look up to Pain, "You bastard! What gives you the right to do this, huh? Why?" You scream to him. You throw kunai and shuriken towards him then gusts of wind. He then quickly grabs you by the neck, strangling you, "This world is going to know Pain. All of your so called friends and lover there were just in my way. Just like you are."

Just then you hear Naruto. "Leave (y/n) sensei, alone! Your fight is with me!" Pain tosses you and heads towards Naruto. Thank you, Naruto. You get next to Kakashi again, and just run your fingers through his hair. You then start having flashbacks.

Flashbacks start:

"Where are you taking me?" Kakashi says as you pull him along with you. "You'll see when we get there you little pervert." You say to him. You then pull his headband away from his eyes. "Wow, this is all for me. Why?" You smile towards him. You were in the same place you had your first date. Only difference was you were having a picnic in the flower field. You cooked all his favorite foods and made him a cake. "Happy Birthday, Kakashi!" You say pulling him close. You then pull his mask down kissing him. He deepens the kiss. "Mmm." You both make the same sound. He then pulls away and smiles, you smile brightly towards him. "Thank you, (y/n). I love you so much.

Next flashback

You two were walking home from a mission and decided to take a breather by a pond. "That was one hell of a mission. Those villagers did not want our help whatsoever." You say. Kakashi is reading his book, and you can see a blush in his cheeks. He starts making his excited noises. "Hey, you pervert!" You push him into the pond, luckily his books went flying towards land before he completely landed in water. He comes back up from the water. You see a look you are all to familiar with. Uh oh. I'm in for it. Before you could dart away he pulls you into the water. "What was that for sweetheart?" He had you extremely close. Damn, he's so sexy when he's like this. He hair, oh man. He goes to kiss you but before he could place his lips on yours, he splashes water in your face. "Two can play at that game, Hatake." You two then have a splash battle. His laugh and your laugh along with the sound of water was all that could be heard.

Final flashback

"If we were to have children, what would you want their names to be?" You ask the silver haired jonin right in front of you. You two were just laid up on the couch you were on your stomach resting your head on his stomach. "Hmm, I've never put any thought into it. Are you pregnant?" He asks looking up from his book. "No, no. I was thinking about it. I think I want to have a baby. Would you want a child?" You ask him. He closes his book and puts all his attention to you. "Well, I've been thinking about it. I just don't know what I would be like as a father, though." You wrap your arms around him. "I'm sure you would be a great dad."

End of flashbacks

You were just in tears, balling and sobbing. With all the flashbacks you didn't even realize that Naruto had already defeated Pain somehow. You feel movement in your arms. "Ugh." You open your eyes to see Kakashi tiredly looking at you, "(y/n)..." you smile, "Kakashi...." You start helping him out of the rubble. "I thought I lost you." He chuckles, "You did there for a moment. I can see you were really hurt." He tells you as you bring him to his feet. You wrap his arm around his shoulder helping him walk.

Naruto then shows up, "Naruto." You say. Kakashi starts to walk on his on, so you run towards Naruto. You embrace him in a hug, "Thank you so much Naruto." He hugs you back. "You're welcome, (y/n) sensei."

Everyone celebrates and congratulates Naruto for his victory. The village was so grateful. When were you going to tel Kakashi he was going to be a dad, though? Let everyone get rest first. I really hope he will be happy about it.

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