Release Date for Book 3

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Hey lovelies!

It's me again with the update about book 3 as promised! I'm really sorry it's been taking me so long to answer the comments and messages. If you've PMed me, posted on my message board or asked questions in the comments, I'll try to respond to all of them by the end of next week.

Most of you are really curious about when the third book will be out. I've more or less settled on a release date for book 3... so feel free to let me know how you feel about it :)

Alright, so I'd planned to have book 3 released sometime in December, but then life happened. There's work, med school, Wattpad duties, my computer crashed and died (RIP😭) and I had that horrid thing every writer fears- writer's block *shudders*

I might rather spend a week with Princess Hailey than have writer's block. But then she might just drive me crazy. My inspiration or my sanity? Hmm🤔

While I contemplate my options, I've also been noticing my books popping up on multiple sites, and as usual, without my permission. These lovely (note the sarcasm) sites include:

One site even requested that their users pay to unlock more chapters of my books. I ONLY post my books on Wattpad and they're copyrighted. These sites have no consent whatsoever to post my books. However, it can be quite hard to have them removed once they're up :(
Unfortunately, I might have my author profile on Goodreads deleted to avoid attracting their attention.
Stealing books isn't cool❌ Consent is cool✅ so please let me know if you see my books on any site other than Wattpad, as they should NOT be anywhere else but here. Thank you ❤

Okay, now back to book 3. So, unlike the first two books where I wrote and updated multiple chapters every day, I wanted to take a different approach with the third book- writing and editing most of the chapters beforehand and then posting them. One of the main reasons for that is the extreme burnout I experienced after completing the first two books. Writing, editing and posting multiple chapters every day for months, combined with work, school and everything else in between, left me really exhausted. Also for book 3, I absolutely must have a concrete ending down in order to write the beginning as they overlap.

I also went through some rough couple of weeks (but I won't get into that) and even contemplated deleting both books. Thankfully, I got through it, because I definitely would have disappointed you all and regretted it. I've been feeling that my writing is still not good enough. With this third book, I will be more critical of my writing as I feel there's still room for improvement. I will rewrite the first two books in the future as well so that they can be even better❤

So with that said, I plan on releasing book 3 on *inserts dramatic music here* January 1, 2022.

I know, I know. Trust me, I know. Most of you were expecting it sooner, so I'll still try my best to get it out ASAP but I do need to get another computer as I've been working from my phone, which let's just say is not fun at all. I'm really sorry!

Will I be forgiven if I offer you all that I have? Food? Money? My immortality? Chocolate? There. I've made you an offer you can't resist. No-one can say no to the sweet goodness that is chocolate 🍫

Still not satisfied? Well then, are you curious about which scenes and chapters didn't make the cut for books 1 and 2? No? Well I'm gonna tell you anyways😌 As a b̶r̶i̶b̶e̶  er- bonus, I'll be posting deleted chapters starting next week Monday! These will have chapters from both The Prince's Soulmate and The Prince's Fiancée.

I'll also have an Ask-The-Characters section where you can ask the characters about things you're curious about and they'll respond. I can already feel the questions asking King Caden when he'll die, lol. Are there any other interactive ideas you'd like me to add? Suggest them here or PM me❤

I'll be updating you on here (Wattpad) and on Instagram about how the book is coming along. I'm pretty excited about it, seeing as it's the final book in the trilogy that will close the curtains on Ashton and Elizabeth's love story. I've gotten so attached to them, it breaks my heart thinking about writing the final chapters.

I've already settled on a title for the third book. Get ready for a wild ride and a journey of love, deception and drama when book 3 is released and Elizabeth's true identity is revealed! How will everyone react to her? How will she react to herself? Can a divided kingdom still stand, or will it crumble away into dust, a relic soon to be forgotten? You know what they say- Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer...

I do appreciate all your love and support. You following me, sharing, reading, commenting and/or voting on my book means so much to me and these books would not be as recognized as they are without you. You make all this possible. THANK YOU❣

And just because the Soulmate trilogy is ending, doesn't mean I'll stop writing. Oh no, you haven't gotten rid of me yet hahaha. My new book will be out either meanwhile or after book 3 is being/has been posted. I really hope you'll like it and I look forward to your support on it!

More exciting activites and interactions will be coming to this profile, so stay tuned!

I suppose that's it for now, but I'm always available if you want to talk

Stay safe, stay hydrated and take care of your mental health, lovelies. I love you❤
XOXO, Abigail

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