Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 is dedicated to jennabells1 and andreas_awesome and Writinglife2005

Thank you for your support ❤

"Hello Ashton, Elizabeth dear," Mrs. DeLorentes greeted cheerfully as we stepped into the room. She was busy arranging some white flowers in a vase beside CaVaughn's bed.

It was day six of him being unconscious and we were all still worried about him. His fever didn't let up, and although it fluctuated, it intrasigently remained in the high forties.

"How's he doing?" Ashton asked with a frown.

"The doctors are optimistic." A sunny smile graced her face. "He will wake up soon."

"They still don't know what's wrong with him?" I asked.

"They are not sure. He was bitten, but it does not make sense for him to react this way to a bite from an Origen. They think Malekh must have injected him with some kind of poison that can affect Origens. They are researching an antidote."

"Oh... maybe I missed that," I murmured. Everything had happened so fast, it was possible that I could have missed that.

She smiled. "Do not worry about it too much. He is not getting worse, so surely that is a good sign."

"Yeah." I mirrored her smile.

She went back to arranging the flowers. "These are chrysanthemums," she mentioned. "Aren't they beautiful?"

Suddenly, a huge gust of wind blew through the window, making the curtains billow with so much force that it knocked the vase off the stand.

"No, CaVaughn!" she shouted and tried to catch it, but the vase crashed to the ground, splintering into hundreds of fragmented prisms.

Ashton, who had been observing CaVaughn, was startled at the sudden noise and came over to us. "Did you just say CaVaughn?"

"Yes. I must be tired," she sighed, touching her fingers to her temple. "I do not know why they suddenly reminded me of him."

"The flowers?"


"You should get some rest, mom. You've been here for a while. Can't the king show his face for once?"

The queen sighed as she picked up the flowers wistfully. A nurse alerted a janitor to clean up the shattered pieces of glass. She watched him with a somewhat dazed expression.

"Here," Ashton said, placing a cup of coffee in her hands. He observed her expression with a slight frown and then hesitantly asked, "Are you okay?"

She tore her eyes away from the janitor as he left the room. "Oh, Ash. I just feel so uneasy all of a sudden."

A single tear suddenly slipped from her eye. She touched her cheek, unsure of what caused the sudden sadness.

"You're tired," he murmured. "I'll take you home."

"No. I want to be here when Cav wakes up."

"I'll tell you when he does."

"No. I am staying here," she insisted.

We sat with her for a few more minutes. I tried to take her mind off things by talking to her, but she seemed to be light-years away as she thought about her son. Ashton was visibly worried about her.

A doctor came into the room to check up on CaVaughn. He adjusted the IV drips and took his temperature. His aged face fell and his lips pressed together in a thin line, but he quickly composed himself. He studied the electrocardiogram for a long moment and scribbled something on a clipboard.

"A moment please," he said, and then vanished from the room.

He returned a few seconds later with a nurse and two other doctors. They studied CaVaughn's charts with an air of great perplexity. The nurse monitored CaVaughn's electrocardiogram.

"It's increasing again," he growled as the beeping came more rapidly. "Over one hundred BPMs... What is going on here?"

"We need to get his heart rate under control before it becomes too irregular. Let's try a vagal maneuver."

We gasped in horror as CaVaughn's body jerked upwards and then his muscles spasmed and convulsed repeatedly in violent throes. The doctors rushed to his side quickly, shouting orders filled with medical jargons, and trying to hold him down.

"It's ventricular tachycardia! He's going into cardiac arrest! I need the defibrillators stat!" the head doctor commanded. "Make sure he's steady!"

"What is happening to him?" Mrs. DeLorentes asked, rushing over.

"Your majesty, we're going to request that you leave the room while we attend to him."

"Leave? I want an explanation. What is happening to my son?"

"His temperature's rising," one of the doctors informed her gravely. "His heart rate is far too high and it is becoming irregular."

"What of the antidote?" the nurse asked.

"His blood sample is still being studied. It's..." he trailed off, glancing at the queen. "It's going to take a bit longer."

"Please save him," she pleaded.

He doctor nodded once. "We'll do all that we can to save our prince."

They fastened an oxygen mask to him when his breathing became labored. Ashton wrapped an arm around his mom and led her outside. I followed behind them numbly.

He sat her on one of the chairs just outside the room and she clutched the flowers she had salvaged close to her chest. Her eyes were wide, mostly white, as her pupils constricted in shock.

"It's going to be okay," he reassured her. "Mom, breathe."

"I cannot hear what is going on in there," she said anxiously.

"All we can do right now is wait," he murmured, rubbing her back.

She nodded against him. "Oh, Cav," she sighed. "Please wake up."

It took three long, painstaking hours before we found out what had happened inside the room. Before the doors opened, Ashton and his mom tensed and exchanged a look laced with panic.

"No," she muttered, shaking her head. "There is no way, right Ash?"

Ashton stared at the ground, his face becoming a pallor complexion that rivaled the cold white of the hospital walls.

"Right, Ash?!" she asked again, more hysterical this time.

"He-" Ashton stopped. His brows furrowed in anguish and his mom stood up.

"This is not happening," she told herself. "This cannot happen to my baby."

The doors finally opened and the head doctor came out. His grey eyes were grave and full of emotion.

"Your majesty, I apologize. We were not able to save your son, Prince CaVaughn DeLorentes. Unfortunately, he has passed after a long struggle. He fought as hard and valiantly as he could. You have our deepest condolences."

Hey lovelies! Thanks for reading!

R.I.P to one of my favorite characters. Prince CaVaughn has died! How do you feel about this?

What did you think about his character?

How will the members of the royal family react to this news?

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See you in the next chapter!

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