Pete snaked his arms around Ae's neck and pulled him into a kiss. Ae wrapped his hands around Pete's waist pulling him closer while he deepened the kiss. Pete tilted his head trying to get better access to the lips. They were sucking each other's lips as they continued to kiss.

Ae trailed his lips towards the neck of the cute guy and sucked a hickey. "Ummm... Aeeee..." Pete moaned making Ae pull back and looked at his husband. "Baby, don't make that sound, I will skip today's meeting otherwise." Ae warned. "Ae~!" Pete whined and hit Ae's shoulder lightly.

Ae let out a throaty laugh and then pecked Pete's lips for the last time before walking out of the door. Pete was waving at him as he drove out of the premises.

the cute guy walked inside the house and started to clean the dining table. Once he was done, he then walked towards the bedroom to get ready. He soon emerged out wearing white t-shirt and blue jeans. He thought of watching television while waiting for Fluke but then the door bell started to ring.

He hurried to greet the visitor and saw Fluke standing outside with beaming smile. "Come in!" Pete said and the little guy walked into the house. "I'll get you something to drink. Tar informed me that he will meet us at the mall." Pete said. "Okay.... Is anyone else joining us?" Fluke asked. "No... It's just three of us." Pete replied from the kitchen.

He walked out carrying the glass of juice and handed it over to Fluke. He sat down to have little talk with the guy about what he wanted to buy. Once they were done, Pete walked into the kitchen to place the glass back.

When he was done, he walked out all ready to leave. Just then, two people stormed into the house carrying guns. They were dressed in black and their faces were covered with mask. "Don't move or else you'll be shot!" one of them warned. Pete and Fluke froze in place as they saw the goons. Fluke started to shiver as the person began scanning the place. Pete felt his feet getting cold but his instincts told him that he had to protect Fluke. He then made a short escape plan for the other boy while he moved slightly towards the dining table.

"Fluke, when I give you signal, make an escape through the back door and call for help. I'll try to hold them back." Pete whispered. "But P'Pete-" Fluke was cut mid-sentence by Pete, "We don't have time to discuss, just do as I say."

The person then aimed his gun at Fluke and Pete knew what is going to happen next. Further, everything happened in blink of an eye. Pete picked up plates from dining table and started to throw them at the intruders while he signaled Fluke to get away. The two intruders were taken by surprise from the sudden attack and tried to leap out of way trying to dodge the object. It gave the little guy chance to bolt in the direction of the exit door and make his way out of the house.

As soon as Fluke was out, he rushed towards the main street crying for help. He had the worse scenarios playing in mind as he ran as fast as possible. He knew very well that Pete was in danger and wanted to get help as soon as possible.

It was all a normal day till the two unknown people invaded the house. He was worried for the person who had saved him from the goons while risking his own life. Luckily, he saw the car of cops that was on patrol at a little distance. He rushed towards them screaming loudly and waving his hands.

The two cops saw the person shouting and waving at them and immediately halted their car. They stepped out and then started to run towards the person who was rushing towards them in haste with a panicked face.

Fluke stood in front of the officers while panting heavily. His chest was heaving as he tried to compose himself. "What's the matter?" One of the cop inquired. "Help... Two people.... Gun... inside the house... Pete.... Help...." Fluke tried to speak through his heavy breathe while pointing in the direction of the house. The cops understood what the boy was trying to explain.

"Stay here!" they ordered and then started walking in the direction of the house. They made a quick call for reinforcement as they took careful steps forward. They removed their guns from the holster and held them in hand with an alert position. They scanned the surrounding before proceeding further. They approached the house with silent footsteps.

Just when they were few feet away from the main door, there was a loud bang. They got alert and then took the position on either side of the door with their guns ready to shoot. They could hear little noise of someone whimpering and after a while it was silent. They peeped in through the door and then tiptoed inside.

As they entered the scene, they saw two people hovering over a person who was lying on the ground. The person had his eyes closed and blood had started to ooze out of his body.

"Hands up!" The officers commanded aiming their guns at the two. The goons raised their hands pretending to surrender. The officers took a step forward getting ready to put the shackles on the wrists of the two. But then, the two made a quick motion and tried to fire at the officers. Out of instincts, the officers ducked out of the way. They fell to the ground and then took shelter of nearby furniture to hide themselves as they return fired.

It was all chaos inside the house and Fluke could hear the sound of shots getting fired. He began trembling and he felt his legs getting numb. He felt on his knees and let out a loud cry. He couldn't hold it in anymore and soon tears were rolling down his cheeks. He couldn't even imagine what would have happened inside the house. He kept praying internally for Pete's safety.

The noise from the continuous shooting drew the neighbor's attention and soon they rushed out to check what was happening. It was all chaotic so some of them made calls to emergency services. Few of them noticed the little guy who was in the miserable state, knelt on the ground. They felt pity for the him as they saw he was crying. They rushed towards him, handing him water and tried to calm him down. They inquired about what has happened and Fluke just explained everything to them briefly.

Inside the house:

After the shots were fired, there was no further movement. The cops peeped from their hiding and then looked at the surrounding. They could see one of the masked man lying in pool of blood while the other was whimpering in pain.

After making sure that there was no further threat, the officers rushed towards the other person who was shot a while ago. One of them checked for the pulse and stated that the person was still alive.

The other cop moved towards the masked man and checked for his pulse and declared him dead. The other culprit was writhing in pain since two bullets had pierced into his arm while one had made a hole in his leg.

Paramedics arrived and they moved to check Pete first. They immediately put him on stretcher and carried him to the vehicle. Fluke saw Pete being carried and he immediately rushed towards him. He saw the clothes stained with blood and knew that Pete was injured. He insisted on going with Pete and the paramedics couldn't deny him. Soon, Pete was taken to hospital and then rushed into operation theater.

My brother in law 2!!!Where stories live. Discover now