12 | dance with me

Start from the beginning

I couldn't help but chuckle at the strange antics of the lady and her sudden anger, but I guess I couldn't blame her either.

Shaking my head of the thought, I turned my head back, only to find Calvin staring right at me with a smirk on his face.

"Worried about me, were you?"

The sight took me by surprise for a few moments before I processed his words and rolled my eyes.

"Not in the least."

My remark only seemed to fuel his cockiness further. With some difficulty, he shifted himself on the bed to lean closer to my sat form, his smirk widening. "For how long are you going to put up this act? We both know you've missed me."

The word managed to catch my attention. "Missed you?" I repeated in disbelief before posing a question of my own, "How can you say that after all you've done?"

"All I've done?" He chuckled, mocking me and only increasing the humiliation and contempt I felt growing inside me, "You mean what happened two years ago?"

He couldn't have just said that.

Two years or not, what he did was despicable - something that shattered me and caused my self-worth to take a dip of a lifetime. The fact that he was brushing it off as a mere mishap from our past was the final nudge I needed to get up and prepare to leave.

He really hadn't changed at all.

But before I could exit, his voice called from the back.

"If I'm being honest, it was kind of your fault, don't you think?"

My eyes widened at his words, forcing me to halt my movements.

With clenched fists, I turned back to find him still looking at me with that god-awful smirk on his face, and it was then that I knew that the dam had broken.

"My fault?" I gritted out, filled with nothing but disbelief and anger, "How can you even say that?"

He scoffed. "Please, if you hadn't been such a prude back then-"

"What?" I cut him off furiously, "If I hadn't been a prude you wouldn't have bet on me? Humiliated me in front of the entire school? Cheated on me with Avery Walter?"

If this continues, the little demon on my shoulder suggested, you're allowed to give him another broken nose on top of the one he's already sporting.

To my utter shock, the cockiness on his face made itself apparent again.

"Jealous, are we?"

And that, was it.

Not able to control anymore, I retraced my path and walked back to where he was sitting on the bed. My sole finger landed on his chest as I clenched my jaw, my lips curving into a malicious sneer.

"You are such an asshole! How can you even suggest that I'm jealous when all I've wanted from the moment you came here is to avoid you at all costs? What happened two years ago was horrible. It wasn't just some mishap that you can ignore without so much as an apology. Don't you dare say it was my fault, that was all you."

I watched as he opened his mouth to speak but I interrupted him, speaking my final words before stomping out of the room angrily.

"Stay away from me, Calvin. I mean it."

Exiting the room, I closed my eyes and exhaled a deep breath, resting my back on the somewhat comforting surface of the wooden door behind me.

I shouldn't have done that. I really shouldn't have done that.

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