"You going somewhere?" Amelia chuckled curiously.

"I mean you could say that..." Peter became flustered, looking around his room.

"Peter what's going on?" She asked, however he ignored her, still shoving some things into his bag. "Peter?"

"Um... I'm going back to Queens... and you're coming with me." Peter zipped up his bag and through it on his back.

Amelia was shocked at his response, "Wait, what?" Her mind instantly going to Bucky. Before she could say anything else Peter interrupted.

"We're gonna get Bucky back. I... I wanna help you." He held his hand out for her to join him. She hesitated slightly before putting her hand in his.


A splash of freezing iced water hit against Bucky's bare skin, bringing him back to consciousness. His head stayed bowed, him not having the energy to look up. As he faded back to reality, he felt the striffling pain that coursed through his chest. He focused his eyes to notice the deep wounds laid across it. He groaned as he realised where he was and what had happened, after all he had been in and out of consciousness for what felt like days. When in fact it had been about a week since he was captured.

"Well it's about time soldier." Rebekah smirked as she crouched down, looking up at Bucky as he sat there tied to a metal chair. "Sorry about the chilling wake up, but I suppose you're used to that kind of thing." She sniggered, getting up and walking behind him.

"What do you want Rebekah?" Bucky questioned with drawn out breaths. He winced as he tried looking round to face her, feeling the stitches at his abdomen pull.

"Oh come on baby, you know exactly what I want..." she traced her fingertips over the top of Bucky's shoulders.

He stayed silent.

"The book..." A man crept out from the shadows, waltzing towards the pair. "Where is it?" He drawled in a stern tone.

Bucky glanced up at him and began to chuckle, "Murphy... you seem to have found your voice whilst I was gone..." he continued to laugh, "I mean, it's not like you can get a word in edge ways with Rebekah around."


Rebekah's hand struck itself across Bucky's face, hard enough to cause him to slip a little blood out. Her gaze then instantly shot to Murphy, "as for you, I thought I told you to stay quiet?" Her eyes like daggers shot at him. Murphy clenched his jaw as he backed away slowly and back into the shadows.

"I'm sorry about that baby, I didn't mean to hurt you." She pulled out a cloth from her back pocket and slowly wipes Bucky's lip. Him practically snarling at her as she did so. "Oh calm down, after all it was me that stitched you up."

Bucky looked down at his torso, staring at his badly stitched up wounds, "I see your handiworks still pretty shoddy, I always knew you weren't fit for the job." He winced once again, the full pain of his injuries starting to kick in.

"You better watch it soldier... you're making it real hard for me not to punish you. So I'd watch your tone with me, or next time it won't be just a slap."

"Is that a threat or promise." Bucky tried to humour her whilst also hiding how much pain he was in. He knew that there's was no point trying to escape, he was too weak right now. Ans even if he was in better condition, his vibranium arm would be useless, considering Rebekah had attacked a specialised EMP device to his arm, rendering it practically useless.

"That depends on how I'm feeling." She patted his shoulder before walking off past Murphy. "You keep watch of him... I'm gonna see what his new love's up to."

Bucky's ears perked up as he heard Rebekah speak. "Wait!" He sat up perfectly straight, his head to attention, as if he had no injuries at all, or at least he couldn't feel them.

Rebekah turned back around, a sly look on her face. "Yes my love..."

"What do you mean by my new love?" He had worry in his voice.

The corners of her mouth began to rise, a dangerous smile forming. "Your precious little girlfriend... Emily?... Amy?... Amber?" She continued to guess. "Oh, I've got it! Amelia!" She laughed maniacally, "your little Amelia Stone."

"You wouldn't fucking dare." Bucky grit his teeth, anger and worry both rushing to the surface.

"Oh but I would." She scrunched her nose at him. "You see... I know everything about your Amelia. In fact I know exactly where she is, right now."

"You fucking leave her out of this!"

"Not a chance sweetheart. Especially when it's going to be this easy." She taunted, waving her phone in his face. Rebekah pulled up security footage from street camera outside where Bucky was being held. "I haven't even had to do anything... the poor things come right to me."

"Amelia..." Bucky drawled, seeing her outside was the last thing he needed. "I swear to fucking god Rebekah, if you hurt her-"

"If I hurt her what? Look at yourself! You're strapped to a chair barely holding on to consciousness." She laughed, "you are in no position to make threats soldier. I'm sorry but this is the way it had to be..." Rebekah turns and heads to leave.

"Rebekah!!" A blood curdling scream let out from Bucky's mouth, but she she didn't stop. His pain only made her want to get to Amelia more.

Truth Doesn't Change The Way You Lie (A Bucky Barnes x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now