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I killed him...but I also killed her too, why?! Why come after him when she could have been with me! We could have raise this child!

This child she created with my brother like my own child but even in death she choose him. Now looking at this child that resembles both of them...I felt sick and I can't bare to look at her at all but she's my burdened now but I know I can male a good used of you..



The door slammed opened with Belos and Kikimora looking up to see who just entered the room and it was none other than Lilith.

"Emperor Belos."Lilith called out as she looked up at the man, the man who is responsible of Luz's suffering again. last night when Lilith returned after failing on capturing her sister Steve who she could trust run up to her telling her about the condition luz was in.

Apparently Luz is suffering from heavy injuries, she also has on the right side of her face which caused by none other than the Emperor itself.

"What is it now Lilith."Belos replied as he stared down at her."don't you think you had gone to far from punishing her?"she said glaring up at him, she won't be here in the first place if she didn't need the help from him to heal her sister's curse.

"I don't think i went too far of punishing her Lilith, she has to learn from her mis-"

"Learn!? Belos she is just a child! A child! The first time you punish her was back when she was 3, it's normal for any kids her age to barely control her magic."she said cutting him off this surprised them all but Lilith isn't afraid anymore as she had enough, she had enough of watching Luz a child get abuse by the Emperor.

"Are you questioning me now Lilith?"Belos said glaring at her and this is the first time did Belos felt fear the moment Lilith pulled out her staff and tapped I hard on the floor, the flames turned blue and rises higher hittinf the ceiling then surrounded the room."no I am warning you, if I ever find a way to get her away from here and from you. I will make you pay ten fold to what you had done so you better make sure to think twice on hurting her again or else..."

Everyone knew the the Clawthorne's had always been powerful and this is the example for that. Lilith then left the room with the flame dying down returning back to normal.


Lilith went to Luz's room, she lay down there panting heavily from a high fever and pain. Lilith feels guilty, everyday she blames herself for letting the Emperor do this to her but now she won't let it happen again, a blue sparrow flew on Lilith's lap which surprised the witch but quickly recognize the sparrow as the brunette's palisman and it seem to be worried about her.

"She will be okey dont worry, he won't hurt her anymore as long as I'm here."she said towards the sparrow who flew and landed right beside Luz's head and rub it's head against her cheek.


Everything was dark and she felt like she's being suffocated, Like she's drowning in an endless pit of the darkness of the ocean till she slowly felt something slimy wrapping around her entire body barely covered her left eyed as she tried to grasp for air and swam back to the surface....

Your a monster...

A monster....




Luz immediately jolted up from her sleep as she looked around her surroundings and felt pain right on her side and face. She had that dream again, like every night causing her to always ending up tired and up the pain through it. She hugged her knees and buried her face against hwr folded arms as she felt her tears escape, she dosen't want to be stuck in this endless cycle of pain anymore she wanted to be free but how?

Who could help her? No one even wants her alive nor would Belos ever allow her to end her life, she's stuck in a limbo and like every passing day she felt like she's beginning to lose it as she really dosen't know what to do anymore. She needs help, she wants to cry for help...but would anyone come?


The next day.....

She was awake, moving and acting like nothing happened yesterday or before it, like she wasn't even punished so badly as she is walking and taunting others like what she would normally do every day.

Everyone would have thought of it as annoying but right now they are thinking if she's doing this to be annoying or to just hide the fact that she's in pain and is wanting or screaming for help deep Inside, the only worst thing is is that she's unpredictable, what she thinks and what she will do next. It was all unpredictable.

Of course the new scar she received from Belos is there she didn't bother to covered it nor answered those who are asking instead she just taunt them or would put a prank. Anyways,,,

Luz returned to Hexide she noticed that the school is being decorated as today's event would be Grom, she almost forgot about that she is also informed that the receiving palisman day had been moved after an incident happened last last night. Luz then made her way to her locker but stopped midway as she greeted face to face....


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