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Lunch break ended and students begin to returned back to class, on the way to class everyone paused midway as they heard the speakers begin to make a noise and heard a coughing sound that belong to the principal and a tap on the mic.

"Ahem good afternoon students of Hexide."they heard principal Bump talk and all looked up at tbe speakers as more students stopped at what they are doing and listened.

"Today I am going to announce tonight's Grom Queen."he said which caused everyone to let out a loud gasp of shock and begin to whispered to another to who could it be.

"The tonight's Grom Queen would be..."there was a long paused as everyone waited to who could I be as they are only a few candidate's to choose from to who is tonight's Grom Queen.

"LUZIFER!"this let out a bunch of shocking gasped but Luz isnt much surprised about this as she already knew and predicted that this is going to happen. Like she has any fears that she should be afraid of everyone knowing for she's a Titan's child and she dosen't have any fears.

No fears.....

"Aren't you nervous?"asked the female oracle witch towards the brunette who turned to look at her with a stern look making the girl immediately shut up.

"Are you suggesting that I should be scared facing such creature?"Luz asked didn't liked that she is being looked down."n-no that's not what I meant-"but she was cut off when Luz signed a two witches to drag her out the classroom as she dosen't want to hear any excuses.

"I was actually planning on not attending but since I'm the Grom Queen guess I dont have any choice but to attend."Luz sighed as she rubbed the back of her neck really annoyed."If you need a partner, I am happy to be your escort."said the male looking cocky and confident which made Luz chuckled and laughed at him along with the others causing the male witch's confidence to fade and is now completely embarrassed.

"Someone like you? Expecting to stand beside me, plz dont make me laugh."Luz mocked as they all laughed more harder, the male witch is now I'm a verge of tears and is really red from embarrassment now but the laughing didn't stop."Your not even qualified to stand in a same room as me and even breath a same air as me and you expect to be my escort tonight!"

"Save yourself some embarrassment and cry yourself to sleep or even better just get lost and don't ever come back you low life excuse for a witch!"she said till the guy left the room crying but the laughing didn't stop. She really loves seeing someone else suffer helps her forget the suffering she's experiencing too inside.

Amity who is walking pass by heard all of that and felt really bad for the guy, Amity dosen't know why the brunette keeps returning to her shitty personality and if Everytime she do she got worst. She already got a glimpse of her not being like that, like that was the real her only when she talked to her alone but after a day or two of not seeing each other again she came back twice worst.

Now Amity nsut wants to know what's her reasons about all of this, to why she acts so mean, so cruel and most of all act like shes above everyone to think they are all just some pest in her eyes. So Amity took a deep breath before she knocked on the Oracle classroom.

The laughing stop as a female witch which Amity recall her name is Amber, she has blonde hair that has pink roots caramel skinned and has blue eyes and same age as hers too.

"What do you want Blight?"asked Amber not really happy to see the Blight."I want to talk to Luz for this is urgent."Amity said and before Amber could have said anything Luz pushed her aside.

"You better have a good reason why your bothering me Blight now spoke up i dont have all day."she said in a tone Amity didn't really liked but she dosen't care for now as she immediately grabbed the brunette by the wrist and dragged her somewhere where they could be alone.

A/N: Before you green minded people assume things, no they aren't going to make out or do couple stuff cuz that's still too early to happen and Amity's about to turned 17 so yeah, this story will go through a lot before the Lumity start sailing in this AU.

A/N: Before you green minded people assume things, no they aren't going to make out or do couple stuff cuz that's still too early to happen and Amity's about to turned 17 so yeah, this story will go through a lot before the Lumity start sailing in...

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I also got bored and did this, pink haired Luz|Silver Guard.

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