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Upon arriving at Hexide just like how it was yesterday it was the same, everyone is afraid of her might be because of the bit of blood stain on her cheek but she dosen't really care.

She is making her way to her locker to get her stuff when she is suddenly stopped and smirked looking at the 3 witches in front of her."well if isn't the 3 idiots, you guys share 1 brain cells or what."she taunted causing Boscha, Mattholomule and Gus to look at her.

"Shut up brat guard."Boscha glared which only made Luz more amused and entertain knowing very well that the witch is easily pissed off."make me."Luz taunted more, Boscha would have hit her when she paused and stared at her in horror.

Luz was confused until she felt something drip on her hand and looked down to see blood, she raised her hand and touched her nose and felt blood. Her chest tighten and her eyes slowly blurred, she remembered that the other guy from last night injected something on her but she was too busy killing them that she haven't noticed.

"Fuck."was the lasting she said before completely blacking out.

Boscha who immediately move caught Luz from crashing right on the ground and can feel her breathing quite heavily."Dork quickly we need to take her to the Healing Coven."Boscha said and Gus quickly nobbed his head and leaded the way.

That was seen by everyone never did they thought to witness the all mighty Silver Guard to collapse like that, Mattholomule who was left there decided to inform Amity and Willow about it.


Amity and Willow both headed right to the Healing Coven, both are panting heavily from running and enter the room.

"Just patching this up and there, she should be all good now."said the Healer putting a sticker that has a Healing symbol on it against the bandaids."what happened to her anyways? Why she suddenly passed out?"Boscha asked looking at the healer.

"I detected poison inside her body and seem to be had been inside her since last night."the Healer replied and both Boscha and Gus looked at the Healer surprised and Amity butt in."Poison? Who would poison a child?"

"No one knows, she's a Silver Guard with many hating her it would be hard to determine who would do it kinda pity her tho."said the Healer then excused themselves leaving the 4 teenager's deal with the one laying on the bed.

She her abdomen and arms were wrapped by bandaids for reason, Luz was sleeping soundlessly looking so peaceful kinda made her look like an innocent child.

"This kid had scars from head to toe."Gus pointed out looking at the scars kinda wondering where she got them."she probably deserve them since she's an asshole."Boscha added only to got hit by the back of her head by Willow.

"Dont say that the kid is already poisoned, there's probably a good reason why she's acting like that."Willow said of course that soft is still there she is of course the therapy of the group."the question is who did poison her, there's so many that hated this child for a reason I guess."Amity said bring up the question, now that's a hard one to answer as it could be anyone.

After a minute or two Boscha excused herself then another minute Gus did the same which leaves her with Willow and the kid but then another minute or two Willow too excused herself now leaving Amity with the child. Amity sighed as she sat there looking at the still asleep brunette gazing at the scars.

She always thought where she would have got those scars but she always ending up forgetting those questions as she dosen't want anything to do with this brunette, a 14 years old who seem not afraid of anything or to even murdering some animals or even worst someone.

Amity would have leave when she noticed a frown on the brunette's face and is muttering something then that's when she froze after hearing it and seeing a single tear roll down at the corner of her eyes.


𝙰𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚢'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

Did I just heard that right or was I hallucinating thing, cuz I'm sure said those two words...

"I'm.. sorry..."

She even cried too but what for? Who or what is she apologizing for? Was she dreaming about something that she felt really sorry for?

I have so many questions and I already doubt that they could be answered especially when that kid woke up again she'll just returned to being a big brat and start taunting those around her.

Suddenly something came up to me and smirked, maybe there is a way to tame that Silver brat, I'm calling her that cuz she hasn't said nor utter her name to anyone as to what she excused 'lower life forms had no rights knowing her name' such a bratty quote. Anyways if only I could used something to blackmail her then I can used that to tame that brat and make her learn what respect is cuz she seem dosen't have any.

A/N:This is not a good start, I repeat not yet.

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