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Those who are still in the hallway watched as Amity dragged Luz out the Oracle class, it surprised Luz to how strong the Blight's grip is but didn't bother to free herself and just let her drag her.

Once they are somewhere alone Amity immediately let go of her wrist which Luz rubbed as she felt a slightly pain from her grip.

"Okey were alone now so what?"Luz asked not really in the mood on talking to a Blight."what was that?"

"What was what?"Luz raised a brow playing as if she dosen't know what she's talking about it clearly she do and just dosen't want to talk about it."I'm talking about you! Why are you acting you like this!?"Amity exclaimed which surprised Luz but immediately shook the expression away.

"Acting like what Blight? The last time I check it's none of your business to know."she replied which pissed Amity more, out of anger Amity grabbed Luz by her collar and slammed against the wall a bit hard."You've been a jerk to my friends and everyone around you!"

"You always think your above everyone and never think about what other feelings!"Amity continue, Luz clenched her teeth but then her eyes wide in shock when she saw tears."and I don't know why I feel like this, this you that your showing to everyone isn't you."

"That the one I last spoke back at the Healing Coven was the real you...."she sobs and Luz looked to the side as she dosen't know what to say, she never experienced this. Being confronted by anyone, not even Lilith nor Hunter confronted her about this only her.

Luz begin to feel the feeling of guilt once again and pushed her away from her."you don't know anything about me Blight.."Luz begin to spoke and clenched her fist tight as she continued."none of you know nothing about what happened to me and my past! to what's the reason I act like this! None of any of you know exactly how it feels like to be in my shoes."

"Being born as the Titan's child is the biggest mistake that happened in my life, it's the path I am forced to take a path where I don't have any choice to choose! a path that took away the childhood i never get to have. So sorry if I acted like this but it was never been my fault that I'm like this to begin with!"Luz exclaimed panting heavily as she too can't stop the tears from falling but quickly wipe them off and run out the room to go to her hiding spot.

Amity was left alone there with her thoughts as she never really expected that, she never expected this happen but now she has a slightly knowledge to what made her like this Amity felt guilty for forcing the brunette to opened up to her but also felt sorry for her too. Behind Luz's cruel personality and bratty attitude hides a child who is screaming for help and comfort to what Amity guess she didn't get have.

Now Amity is left with the thought of,,,Was she even like this before? What did everyone in the Emperor's Coven did made her like this or better question is that What Belos did to her?

She has a lot more questions that she doubt would be all answered, there are only two witches in this world that know and grew up with Luz and those are Hunter and her mentor Lilith. Amity really wants to know more about Luz and help the brunette change for the better so she has two options:

Option A-Ask Hunter

Option B-Ask Lilith

{A/N:I'll let you all decide who she will need to ask and spoiler alert the upcoming chapters has many back stories.}


Luz was in her usual hiding spot, her back lean against the wall and hugged her knees closer to her as she buried her face on her folded arms. With Amity confronting her gave Luz a sudden swing of emotion's.

Luz felt so weak and vulnerable doing this she shouldn't be crying and she should have better control of herself than let Amity get the best of her. As she continued to sob Luz didn't noticed the other Blight which is the male twin.

Edric actually spotted Luz running out of a room and run off somewhere which he immediately followed and found her there under the stairs crying which made Edric immediately felt bad and approached her.

"Hey are you okey?"he asked which made Luz jump a bit and turned facing the male twin Blight."w-wha!? What are you doing here, this is my hiding spot go find your own."she said and turned around, Edric can't help but chuckled at her childish reaction kinda reminds him of they're little sister. Amity used to do this back then whenever the younger Blight felt sad and wanted to be alone.

"Stop laughing."Luz growled and wiped her tears, Edric sighed and sat down beside her."I don't know what make you feel bad but sometimes it's better if you have someone there beside you to be your shoulder to cry on, that's what my twin Emira used to tell me and mittens or mostly mittens because I rarely get sad."he said and heard Luz chuckled at the word mittens which made Edric smile too.

"Now wanna talk about what makes you this sad?"Edric asked towards the brunette. Luz looked at him then back at the ground there was a moment of silence until Luz spoke up."I..I don't think I can face grom."she half lied which she's glad that Edric didn't get to see through as she really dosen't wanna talk about earlier.

"Then just back out there are plenty witches that can replace of becoming the grom queen."Edric said which is true but then again...."that's my problem Blight, I can't back out. Belos would see it as me being weak or getting soft and there is a reason why I don't want to face that fear monster."Edric saw her frown again and place his hand on her shoulder.

"Hey listen, I know you can face grom cuz your the strongest witch I have known. Your might be afraid but that's what makes us strong so don't worry much about it cuz I know you'll do just fine."he said, Luz felt a warm feeling inside her it's like Edric is the big brother she never get to have and smiled.

"Thanks, Blight."

A/N:Welp to be continued

A/N:Welp to be continued

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