117. pasts & grandmas

Start from the beginning

"So father doesn't mind?"

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him," Margaret said, and for the first time Claudia was sure that the smile on Margaret's face was nothing but one of playfulness and a slight sense of affection towards her granddaughter.

Weird, Claudia thought. Her grandmother smiling at her was something that she had to get used to.

"You know, grandmother..."


"Father has never told me about his brother," Claudia spoke nervously. "Albert. So, I was just wondering if maybe I could just..."

"Ask me about him?"

"Yeah," Claudia nodded. "I understand if it's difficult, but-"

"Oh, don't say such nonsense! It's difficult, but it's been a long time. Of course I'll be able to tell you a bit about him if you want. You are family after all."

"Okay...so, he was older than father, right?"

"Yes. By three years."

"And he had a wife?"

"Indeed. She's much younger than him..." she said, pausing for a moment of nervousness before continuing. "I presume she was even younger than your mother was when she met Charles."

What is it with the Maple men and younger girls? Claudia asked herself, being reminded of the fact that her father was eight years older than her mother.

"I remember that she was very nice. Pureblooded and a Slytherin just like both my sons. She was respectful, but rather quiet."

"And what was Albert like?"

"Oh, he was an angel," Margaret said sadly. "He always took care of Charles, you see. He helped him with everything, and he was always the one thinking ahead and taking the blame for everything."

"You miss him, don't you?" Claudia asked with a sad and almost pitying smile.

"Every day."

"How long has it been?"

"18 years."

"Um...and what exactly happened?"

Margaret paused for a moment, and then she shook her head slowly, "That's enough."

"Oh...I'm sorry-"

"Don't apologise!"

"Okay, I won't," Claudia smiled awkwardly. "But thank you for the ring. It's beautiful."

"And it belongs to you now," Margaret said quite sternly. "It's your responsibility now. Just as this family's name is."

"I know," Claudia nodded as she wanted to question how she, as a female, could possibly carry on the family name and legacy. However, she didn't dare since Margaret's mood had clearly sunk slightly at the mention of her dead son, grandchild and daughter-in-law.

So, basically all the conversation that was made after was led by Margaret as Claudia tried to place the woman who was still such a mystery to her.

But, as Claudia prepared to leave and say goodbye, the short yet slightly warm hug Margaret gave her and the request that Claudia would call her 'grandma' instead of 'grandmother' was enough to make Claudia realise that the woman behind the mask wasn't who she had always thought that she was.

She was just a grandma. Maybe she didn't bake cookies, knit sweaters or even so hug Claudia often, but she did want to protect her just as any grandma would.

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