119. dancing queen

Start from the beginning

"If you want to," Remus spoke. "But our friends are excited to see you."

"Mhm," she nodded. "Then I guess we'll get up just for them. But let's just wait a little while longer, okay?"

"Of course," Remus smiled. "Anything for you, birthday girl."

"You're too good to me, you know that? There's no way I could possibly repay you for all you do for me."

"I can think of one or two ways," Remus grinned, earned himself a glare from his girlfriend.

"Says the boy who rejected me last night," she pointed out.

"I didn't reject you!" He said in a defensive tone. "I just want you to be truly ready. And sane in the head!"

"I'm always sane in the head!"

Remus laughed, "Okay, that's not what I meant, alright? I just...don't want you to be uncomfortable with my touch."

Claudia stopped for a moment as she smiled at him out of pure admiration, "I could never be uncomfortable with your touch. I love you."

"I love you," Remus responded, and then, eventually, the two managed to get up and get ready through way too much laughter, eventually ending up in the Great Hall with all of their friends for breakfast.

The chatter was loud yet happy, and Claudia felt such a rush of happiness and gratefulness that she just couldn't stop smiling to the point where her cheeks literally ached.

Watching Inez and Sirius argue over who had better hair, James trying to impress Lily and Remus cracking some of his sarcastic jokes only made it all better.

However, as she sat and listened intently with Remus' hand in hers, the group of people suddenly went quiet as they all looked up at someone standing behind Claudia.


She had been rather off of the radar ever since the incident of Claudia's family visiting, so much to the point that they had only seen her in class and not in the Great Hall.

However, the woman felt a secret need to be in there on that morning.

And the reason was the brunette girl in front of her who ever so resembled her mother.

"Happy birthday, Claudia," Ingannamorte smiled.

"Oh, thank you, professor," Claudia smiled, feeling rather confused over how the woman had made the effort to come talk to her when she was just another student.

But, she wasn't just another student to Ingannamorte.

She simply couldn't be that.

"I hope you have a good day," Ingannamorte smiled. "You too, Ms. Evans!"

"Oh, thank you," the ginger smiled as Inagannamorte turned on her heel and left the Great Hall.

"That was weird," Marlene pointed out, earning herself a shrug from Claudia in response. "I thought she hated you?"

"Nah, she doesn't," Claudia said. "Well, that was months ago, at least."

"I don't think anyone could hate Claudia," Remus said. "Especially not Ingannamorte."

"Exactly," James sniggered. "Claudia's the favourite now!"

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