Chapter 14: The First Task

Beginne am Anfang

Cedric Diggory.

Cedric had hidden behind a rock for most of the time trying to perform a spell. The dragon had blown fire over the rock. Unfortunately, Cedric had gotten his left arm burnt but managed to get the egg by transfiguring a rock into a dog which distracted the dragon. Half way through the task, when the dragon breathed fire I clutched onto Fred's hand. Tightly.

"Do you realise how hard you squeeze Y/n?" Fred asked.

"Oh sorry Fred." I said removing my hand from his. But he stopped me and placed my hand back onto his.

"Keep it there. I really like it." Fred smiled causing me to blush loads. Almost the colour of Fred's hair.

"Your cute." I muttered under my breath, only intending for me to hear. But unfortunately for me, Fred heard it and he has formed a giddy smile on his face and his cheeks were slightly red.

"Your cute to." He whispered into my ear. His hot breath and deep voice sent shivers down my spine.

"And your both cute together" George said. Emphasising the together part of it. He had clearly heard that too.

"Shut up George." Me and Fred said in unison, causing the three of us to laugh.

"You know Y/n, you really can not talk quietly," George said. "I heard everything."

"Okay and. Your point is." I said playfully rolling my eyes.

George had lowered his head to my other ear.
"You like Fred." He whispered so quietly I barely heard what he said.

"I do not!" I yelled shoving his chest to get him away from me.

"Mhmm. Whatever Y/n." George said before we watched the next champion enter the arena.

Fleur Delacour

She ran out of the tent and waved to the crowd. She charmed her Welsh Green dragon into a sleeping trance. She ran though the rocky arena to collect her egg. She almost made it back to the champion tent unharmed but the dragon snored which released a jet of fire which burned the edge of her skirt.

Cheers erupted from the stadium, the ladies of Bauxbatons and some men from Hogwarts and Durmstrang cheered. Clearly influenced by her being a quarter Veela. The arena fell silent once again and the wait for the third champion started. The dragon tamers bought in a Chinese Fireball. And then the champion entered the arena.

Viktor Krum.

He stood at the edge of the arena with his wand pointed directly at the dragon. And then he performed the conjunctivitis curse on the dragon. The dragon frolicked around, now being blinded. Viktor ran to the eggs and retrieved the golden egg. However points were deducted because the blinded dragon had crushed some of the real eggs. And with that Viktor disappeared back into the champion tent.

"That's harsh." I said commenting about Viktor's method of retrieving the egg.

"Yeah it is." Fred and George said simultaneously.

But cheers soon started again, a Hungarian Horntail was escorted into the arena by 12 dragon tamers. I put fell in my stomach. A 14 year old had to fight the most aggressive dragon. And suddenly he walked out of the arena looking petrified.

Harry Potter.

Harry stood at the edge of the arena just staying around at the crowds cheering for him. Me and the twins being some of them. Suddenly, the dragon spotted Harry and she whipped her tail towards Harry's direction, causing me to scream and covering my hand with my mouth. Harry hid behind a rock to escape the dragons violent attacks.

"Your wand Harry your wand!" Yelled Hermione, one row down from me and the twins.

"Accio Firebolt." Harry called and he returned to his position behind the rock. But the dragon spotted Harry and breathed fire, nearly encapsulating the rock. But before it could cover the rock completely, Harry had leaped onto his firebolt and began to fly around.

The dragon had followed Harry around the arena, trying to bite him or burn him. Suddenly, the dragon broke free from her chain and began to follow Harry out of the arena. The dragon ripped though the taupe of the teachers area and Harry and the Horntail vanished from sight.

"Well done dragon!" Fred yelled whilst clapping his hands. I elbowed Fred's side hard which caused him to wince.

"Freddie please don't say that." I begged. "Please."

"I'm sorry love. I won't say it again." Fred said. I blushed at the nickname and looked down towards my feet. Both of us noticing that our hands were still linked, but neither of us removed our hands. We didn't have any intention to.

The next few minutes went by slowly. The stadium was quiet and my leg was shaking out of nerves for Harry. Fred put a comforting hand on my thigh. Something that would always calm me down. I looked down to see his free hand on my thigh. I was squeezing Fred's other hand tightly, he didn't seem to care and would tell me to squeeze it when I loosened my grip. I was still looking down when I heard a familiar voice.

"YES! YES!" Hermione cheered. I jerked my head up instantly and saw that Harry is flying over the top of the arena. Black smoke was coming out of the end of his broomstick and he was stumbling as he flew. The stadium erupted in cheers and yells as he flew into the arena and collected the golden egg.

Harry and Viktor had tied for first place, Cedric in second and Fleur in third. The stadium began to empty out and each row shuffled along to get to the stairs to the exit. Me and the twins made our way down. Mine and Fred's hands were still linked. And we didn't bother to let go. I liked the comfort it gave me that he didn't bother to let go. I had always imagined the day since I was younger that someone would want to hold my hand and call me theirs. But I had to shut that idea off because no one would date someone like me. A monster. Me and the twins followed the crowd back up to Gryffindor tower. A party had already been planned and set up. Drinks and food lay on the table music was blasting and everyone was already screaming.

The yelling only intensified when Harry walked in. Fred and George had scooped him into their arms. Harry was holding his egg high in the air before passing it around.

"Knew you could do it Harry!" Fred said.

"Lose a leg." George said.

"Or an arm" Fred said.

"Pack it in altogether. NEVAA!" Both the twins yelled. Seamus kissed Harry's egg before hanging it to him.

"Go on Harry what's the clue!" He said.

"Who wants me to open it!" Harry yelled. The crowd had all cheered. Harry opened his egg and it released a high pitch screech. Fred and George dropped Harry and he closed the egg.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron yelled. The people faced Ron then turning back to Harry.

"Alright everyone get back to your knitting, this is going to be awkward enough without all you nosy sods listening in." Fred called as the crowd dispersed

I gestured Fred and George over to a quiet corner. I had to tell them.

"What's wrong Y/n." Fred asked.

I sighed. "I have a transformation tomorrow."

The twins frowned and led me to my bedroom. They supported me and hugged me, making me feel loved and supported. I fell asleep in their embrace. I felt loved.

Word count: 2020
A/n: Harry Wednesday! I hope your having a great week. I wrote this at school during my break. I hope you enjoyed this part and I'm sorry it's shorter than usual I didn't have enough time and I couldn't think of what to write. I'm sorry if it's boring. Have a great day.


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