I make a reservation at Rossetas and go back to my room. I needed to get my shit together before I did this. Otherwise, he would see right through me and things would go down hell.

Maybe a nap

Sleeping was what I needed to do. I lay on the bed and close my eyes. Pretending to be asleep always helped me go to sleep. Within ten minutes, I was out.


"You know, when I first sat down at the table, I had a lot of weird thoughts thinking you were trying to kill me or something." Carter shakes his head and laughs after saying this.

We have just finished dinner and now are walking around the town. At least, that was what I had told him.

The nap hadn't worked at all. By the time I was dressed and was halfway through dinner with Carter, I still had that sinking feeling in my stomach.

"Yeah, I don't know what gave you that idea, man," I respond

He doesn't answer and as we walk in silence, the alley we are going to take him out in, comes into sight. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and know that it is Michael telling me they were ready.

I try to walk slower as we begin to get closer, but Carter only speeds up.

Why the hell are you in such a rush to die? Probably because he doesn't know he's going to die, idiot.

When we reach the alley, I stop and he looks at me in confusion.

"What happened?"

"Just, uh, needed a break. "

He stands on the side of me and we lean against the wall. It is dark out now, making the moon seem brighter.

"I'm glad we hung out tonight, bro. No arguing, no mafia drama, no family, none of that. It was cool," He says,

I half smiled. Despite the reason for hanging out with Carter, I actually had fun tonight. I was finally having something besides hatred in my heart for my brother. It was like we were real brothers again.

We had talked about old pranks and things we used to do to each other, and instead of getting mad, we only laughed it off.

"Me too, man. I guess you're alright when you're not a backstabbing fuckface."

He laughs before replying, "Right back at you."

Before I can respond, my phone buzzes again and I check it.

Mike: It's time man.

I glance over at Carter and see he is smiling as he stares at the sky.

I can't do it.

I could handle killing people I didn't know or weren't related to. That was fine. But I couldn't do this. I didn't want to do this.

Me: Darrel will do it. Give him the LSP. He can do it from there. Go on my call.

Micheal responds with a thumbs up emoji and I tell him my call is when they see us hugging.

Darrel would take Carter out from where they were with the long shot pistol. They weren't that far away, but not close. If I shot him from right here, the people around wouldn't miss the sound. But if it was from afar, the sound wouldn't be as loud.

I put my phone away and turn to Carter. Holding my arms out for a hug, I give a small smile, "Love you bro. Wish we could have started over sooner."

He smiles back, "Love you too man." He responds, embracing my hug and thinking nothing of my statement.

Just as my hand reaches his upper back, I hear the gun go off and watch as Carter falls to the ground almost in slow motion.

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