Chapter 43: A ravine drenched in blood.

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Kloud was instantly in front of Jena with his sword drawn, which was weird because he wasn't in his armor, and the two stared each other down. "I said I would protect this with all I had!"
"We both know who's going to win this fight, Kloud," Jena replied. "I won't even need my elbow blades, either,"
"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Butter Cup chanted from the upper floor. She appeared next to Jena and Kloud and forced their heads together. "KISS! KISS!!"
"Unhand me, heathen!!" Jena declared as she pulled out a rather large potato. "If you expect this innocent potato to survive this encounter, I suggest you back off, Butter Cup!"
Butter Cup stood in silence as she stared at the potato in Jena's hand. "Give me the hostage and I shall go torture someone else, as I was raised to do."
"Gladly!" Jena said as she handed the potato over to Butter Cup.
"I shall return after I have succeeded with the torment of Angela! The cookie conduit!" Butter Cup announced.
Jena gave her a confused look. "How do you plan on doing that?"
"I will demand her cookies be made with POTATO!" Butter Cup raised the potato into the air, she laughed maniacally as she slowly morphed into the ground, all that was left was her smiling, dumb-looking, crayon-drawn face.
"That's a new one," Jane added.
"We can continue without her, right?" Warlic asked.
"She barely listens anyways," Jane replied.

A loud commotion was heard from upstairs, and almost like a water-fall, everyone slid down the stairs as if it were a slide.
"What happened?" Jena replied.
"Food!!" Waky Pants said from the large pile of bodies.
"And where's Hiro?" Warlic asked.
And almost on cue, Hiro was thrown from upstairs, where he landed in front of Warlic. "Here," Hiro replied. He looked up at Kloud. "Is this Bobby person that great a chief?"
"Bobby who?" Warlic asked.
"He's our chief," Kloud replied. "His name is Bobby Joe J,"
"Does the J stand for Jugulator?" Warlic asked.
"Yep," Jena replied. "He's the best chief we could ask for,"
"Thought so," Warlic replied. "When you see him again, let him know I said hi,"
"Sounds fair," Killer said stand jumping over the bodies on the stairs. He opened the sack and started to hand out pinto boxes. "He made one for everyone. He figured we missed his breakfast cooking, so he made us some breakfast,"
"What did you want to talk about?" Jane asked as she sat down with her box.

"Right!" Warlic started. "I think I've figured out where you need to go next," Warlic stated. "There is a ravine known as Bloodtusk and that is where the most chaos has spread recently. However, there hasn't been a known Chaos Lord sighting yet,"
"What can you tell me about the ravine?" Killer asked as he took a spoonful of stew and stuck it in his mouth.
"The ravine is the home of the Trolls and Orcs. They live uneasy lives, thinking that the other side will attack unprovoked. The Trolls are more magically adept, and the Orcs are brutes that refuse to use magic," Warlic replied. "They are uneasy about each other, even though there are many half-breeds between the two tribes. They rarely consult with each other unless needed. Many of the alliance members haven't been able to talk much sense into them to hopefully get them to help, since they don't see this fight with Drakath as their issue,"
"I can try and find a way to talk some sense into them," Killer said eating another spoonful. "If it comes to it, I'll help each side with their issues. There's enough of us here where we can help both sides without playing favorites,"
"If that's what you think would be best," Warlic said. "Both of their cultures are vastly different, so getting them to trust an outsider like you would be rather difficult,"
"I have ways around that," Killer said as he finished his stew. "We'll head over there after we finish breakfast,"
"Then I will leave you to your meal," Warlic said as he walked out of the inn.
"Isn't it a bit rude for us to eat our meals instead of paying Yulgar?" Hiro asked.
"There's a lot of us, and a new person seems to show up daily," Killer replied. "He's getting business regardless,"
"And I don't mind it," Yulgar replied. "It keeps my store room that bit fuller, so I can feed you when you get back,"
"A heart of gold, that one," Kloud said.

The Blacksmack Down (book 6) The great dimension jump.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin