Chapter 7

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It was an early day. Y/N and Tatsumi were exercising with a few stretches and short runs before they placed a mat down and Y/N trained Tatsumi in his martial arts. It slowly escalated to wrestling and not only did Y/N own Tatsumi in martial arts, but he was leagues above Tatsumi's skill. This went on for hours as Y/N showed him many wrestling positions, what to do against them, and how to properly make it work.

They were covered in sweat when they finished and Leone, Bulat, and Lubbock were just watching them.

Bulat: That Y/N, he has great skill in martial arts.

Lubbock: His moves are great, but his wrestling is on a whole other level. I say we ask him about it.

Y/N and Tatsumi sit down as they wipe themselves off with a towel and take time getting their breaths back.

Bulat: Hey, Y/N!

Y/N: Oh hey, Bulat. What's up?

Bulat: We saw you training with Tatsumi. You've got good moves, but that wrestling of yours was on another level. Who trained you?

Y/N goes quiet before reaching in his back pocket and pulling out a folded sheet of paper. 

Y/N: This guy did.

He unfolds the paper and they see it's a picture of a man and him side-by-side.

He unfolds the paper and they see it's a picture of a man and him side-by-side

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Tatsumi: This guy taught you wrestling?

Y/N: He sure did.

Tatsumi: What's his name?

Y/N: Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov.

Bulat: He sounds like a good man. How'd you meet him?

Y/N: It's complicated. I had nothing. No one. I wandered into a village within some mountains and managed to live there for a while. The people there don't take kindly to outsiders. They told me to leave and when I refused, they said that if I wanted to stay, I'd have to fight. So I did and they let me stay. As time passed, I would get into fights almost daily. That's when he reached out to me. Along with his 3 kids, he taught me how to wrestle and was probably the first man I actually got along with. I told him about my past and where I came from. The other villagers treated me like an outsider, even though I told them about this. His family didn't. Even when I was a teenager, I had no home, no family, nothing. He gave me that. As we continued training and wrestling together, he began to see me as one of his own children and adopted me into his family.

Bulat: Where did you train with him?

Y/N: In the mountains of Makhachkala. It wasn't the best home. But I wouldn't trade that for anything.

Bulat: I see. How's he doing? From one fighter to another, I'd love to meet him.

Y/N: He passed away a few years ago.

Bulat: I'm sorry. That must've been hard on you.

Y/N: It was. The only man who was a father figure to me was taken from me. But I still had my brothers and we managed to live on.

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