Chapter 10

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Liver: You played a vital role in getting rid of covert operatives back then, did you not? It truly has been a while, hasn't it Bulat?

Bulat: It's you. General Liver.

Liver: Former general, actually. Ever since lady Esdeath saved my life, I have been her devoted servant.

Tatsumi: (Is this the guy bro was talking about in his story?)

Bulat: If things were different, I'd be drinking a toast to our reunion. But since they're not, I'm going to have to kill you. The mission comes first! 

Liver: I couldn't have said it better myself. General Esdeaths' wishes will be realised.

He romoves a white glove on his right hand a ring is placed on his middle finger.

Liver: And to make sure that I'm successful, she gave me this Imperial Arm!

The jewel glows and pillars of water flew up into the air from barrels on the ship.

Liver: This is the Black Marlin. It's a ring type weapon. It was crafted from the organs of aquatic danger beasts with the ability to control water. As such, who ever possess this ring has the ability to control any liquid at will. If this is our battlefield, Lady Luck is certainly smiling upon me.

Bulat: So you fight with water now? That's rather convenient given your boss is an ice user.

Liver: General Esdeath is able to create ice out thin air. Do not elevate me to her level. She is a god. Water Fire!

Pillars of water are aimed at Bulat who laughed and spun his spear around to block the attacks.

???: Son of a bitch. And it looks like Liver's got his hands full too. Well, with all this water around, Liver should be fine. But a little back up wouldn't hurt.

Tatsumi: Not if I can help it!

Tatsumi came down from the air and swung his sword down on the other member, but his strike was blocked by a flute.

Tatsumi: You guys are freaking crazy if you think all I'll do is just sit back and watch the whole time!

???: You're an energetic one, aren't you? Name's Nyau of the Three Beasts. Now you're in the way. Back off.

He breaks the connection and sends Tatsumi back.

Nyau: You Night Raid people are really fucking annoying!

They clash and exchange blows. Despite having a broadsword and the other guy having a flute, Tatsumi was able to match the speed.

Tatsumi: Akame is faster than you!

Nyau: What! Do not compare me to some assassin!

He vanished and kicks Tatsumi in his back which ends sends him to the ground, but thanks to Y/N's training, he was able to get up quickly and continue fighting. Bulat was still handling Liver.

Liver was standing a water serpent he formed as he looked down on Bulat with his arms crossed.

Liver: The water pressure will destroy you. Say goodbye, Bulat! Snake from the Abyss!

The serpent roared as it charged down with its mouth open. Bulat pointed his spear up as he met the serpent head on and cut through it.

Liver: Ha! I kew you'd attack the snake rather than dodge. You'd knew there'd be countless casualties if I destroyed the ship. And maybe you'd dodge if your feet were securely planted on the deck. but you can't dodge in mid-air! Dark Water Spears.

Bulat was hit from the back with multiple pillars of water. It was so bad that half of his mask broke off before he started falling back down to the ship.

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