Chapter 6

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The capital was just like its normal state. The night sky and the moon mixed just right and it made the perfect setting. 

But this night setting can be misleading. A young couple went out for a night stroll, and as the capital, it didn't end well.

The woman was in fear as she was raised in the air by a mysterious man and watched her husband slowly die as he laid in a puddle of his own blood.

Woman: Please... Don't kill me!

???: Oh, but I must. This is your fault for walking around at this hour. Didn't your parents teach you that? Scary monsters like me come out at night.

Woman: Please let me go. I-I'll do anything!

???: Oh. Well, I'm a bit of a talker. Won't you have a chat with me?

Woman: Yes. Of course.

???: Zanku. Excellent. Then tell me... How does feel to have your head separated from your body?

The woman went silent as she felt nothing. Blood started dripping down the man's blades as the woman's body and her head separated.

???: Splendid... Splendid. I could never quit this!

The next day came and Y/N was training in his martial arts. He was hitting everything from punching bags to sparring with Bulat. It seems that he would never stop training. He even taught Tatsumi a few moves

He stopped training as he was called for a meeting with the rest of the group and made his way to the meeting room.

Najenda: It seems we have a new target. A slasher we keep hearing about in the capital. He appears only at night and decapitates people at random. Headhunter Zanku.

Tatsumi: Who's Zanku?

Y/N: You really don't know who he is? I'm from a place worse than the sticks and I even know about him. 

Sheele: Umm, sorry, but I don't think I've heard of him either.

Mine: Seriously, Sheele? Probably just forgot.

Tatsumi: So how bad of a guy is he?

Y/N: He's not a guy... He's an executioner. He started out as being the main executioner at the largest prisons in the capital. And due to the cabinet of the Prime Minister, those numbers increased a lot. Over and over, he kept cutting off the heads of people who would beg for their lives. Over the years it became an addiction. And now he can't stop.

Bulat: Zanku shortly disappeared when the authorities were sent to catch him. But to think he'd reappear in the capital...

Tatsumi: This guy is really dangerous. Let's find him and take him out!

Y/N: Easier said than done I'm afraid. Before he fled the prison, he killed and stole the warden's Imperial Arms. Taking him out alone isn't a good idea. We should travel in pairs.

As the meeting goes on, they try and decide their attack strategy, but couldn't think of anything. Y/N got bored, so he headed to the training ground to continue his training. 

When he got word that they would walk the roads of the capital at night, he was pumped. 

Y/N: (Finally, a worthy opponent.)

Night raid waited for nightfall and then took to the streets. Even though Y/N suggested going in pairs, he didn't abide by that same rule. Ironic.

He split up but didn't go far from the rest of the group. He tried his best to keep looking. Even tried to get a scent or something for tracking, but found nothing.

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