Chapter 18: The Minecrafts

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The entire Royal Family of the Minecraft kingdom was so unique, you'd never think they're all related.

The king: an avian. A race of people who faced a steady decline in population until a scarce few remained. Phil in particular had a grand pair of black wings, with a wingspan the length of 3 grown men. With his wings came the ability to talk to crows. While the first avians could communicate with all creatures, Phil still counted his ability as a gift.
... Most of the time.
The other half of the time involved someone walking into the courtyard to see the king cursing at a flock of the blasted birds.
When he fell head over heels in love with Kristin, he used a talent of his to gain her attention: whistling. While also being able to imitate several bird calls, Phil was skilled in whistling, and whistled beautiful little melodies to Kristin. When they married, the thought of his race came to mind. Him and his wife pondered the thought of having an avian child, but decided any children they had would be loved dearly regardless.

The eldest prince, Wilbur: Phil and Kristin were slightly disheartened to see his back bare as an infant, no wings in sight. Despite this, they gave him all the love they had. Phil took him on flights and Kristin introduced him to his love of music. He became a little jealous when Techno and Tommy entered the family, but soon fell in love with his siblings (platonic love, to any of you nasties). Wilbur was like a jack of all trades growing up, excelling in his studies alongside improving his musical skills and honing other hobbies. Him and Techno's preferred form of bonding was conversation over a sparring match. Wilbur may have pretended to be upset, but he couldn't have been prouder the day Techno bested him in a match. With Tommy, the boy was his number one fan. Whenever Tommy was down, Wilbur would play him a song not even their parents had heard yet. It always made Tommy feel special. Likewise, when Wilbur was stressed, Tommy would be his audience and cheer him on like there was no tomorrow. One of Wilbur's fondest memories with his youngest brother was of introducing Tommy to song-writing; he would sit and watch Tommy scribble down potential lyrics, and then tell him which ones he liked.

Wilbur would be lying if he said he didn't care about his father's validation. Most of the skills he picked up were ones he knew would help if he were to become king. At times, the stress became a lot; he'd had several breakdowns after piling responsibility after responsibility upon himself. Once Phil found him asleep at his desk, tear stains trailing down his cheeks, he knew Wilbur was wearing himself too thin. Wilbur began having weekly talks with Phil, with his mother too when Phil was particularly busy with something. Will held nothing against Dadza; if he was so stressed while training to be a king, then he could imagine how much was on his father's shoulders. The talks were check-ups on him, a safe space where he could rant about whatever struggles he had and be comforted by his parents. While they did not give answers, Wilbur felt they were more than enough. All the way up to him turning 24, he still had talks with his parents. While they were no longer classed as check-ups, Wilbur was yet to miss a lunch with his mother and father.

The youngest prince: Tommy. He too was born wingless. By this point, Phil had concluded his genes would not be able to be passed on to his children; he quickly got over the disappointment of not having an avian child. So what if his children didn't have feathers? They were still his kids, and he would always love all 3 of them. But then, he began noticing things. One night, while whistling a lullaby to a very sleepy Tommy, the six year old boy began whistling back. Another day, Tommy continuously complained his back was itchy. These little occurrences happened for all of 2 years. Phil hadn't connected the dots until the night his youngest turned eight years old. Him and Kristin awoke to screaming and crying from their child's room. They arrived to see their eldest two cradling and comforting Tommy, stopping him from clawing at his back. Upon closer inspection, there was definitely something wrong: something was protruding from his back in two places. Phil spent the night with his youngest child in the physician's workroom, relief flooding him upon seeing his son finally rid of his pain. While the physician had no idea what was going on with Tommy, Phil did: Tommy was a late bloomer, a very late bloomer, but an avian nonetheless. In order to save him the pain of the wings emerging from his back on their own, a surgery was done, freeing the bony featherless wings from his skin with minimal permanent scarring. within a month, soft hair and feathers covered the span of Tommy's wings.

The day inevitably came when Tommy realised what he was capable of with his silvery wings: flight. By the age of ten, Tommy's wings had reached a total wingspan of 1 metre. While they were growing at a slower rate than most avians, Phil was content with knowing it was just because of a diluted gene pool; he knew that would be the case, seeing as only his own mother was an avian. Despite the fact the wings were still small, Tommy was insistent on the idea he was ready to try flying. Up until then, he had only practiced moving and stretching his wings with Philza, so this was a big step. It was also a step none of his family approved of. He ignored them though, and constantly tried climbing things to jump off and try to fly. One day, he tried jumping from the hayloft of the stables. That was when the Minecrafts turned to their last resort: Tommy always needed to have Phil, Will, or Technoblade with him. If they couldn't change their schedule to fit it with him, Tommy would need to change his to fit theirs. He hated this rule, yet continued his antics until he was fourteen. Three years had passed since then, and he now had a wingspan of six feet.


(to be continued in the next chapter)

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