Chapter 10 - Theo

Start from the beginning

"What happened?" Keeping my voice steady, I tried not to push her into answering – I wasn't sure if she would be less in control of her hellhound abilities whilst in this...state.

Her head fell against the pillow under her cheek as she faced me, "Nothing that wasn't bound to happen eventually."

"I don't think I've ever heard you speak so cryptically before." I couldn't help the smile that crept onto my face.

Despite the little time I'd spent with Thea, it was almost like we'd never been apart. We seemed to get on so well, and we'd shared so much with one another. Including the deep stuff, like the fact her favourite colour is actually lilac, because it reminds her of the flowers she took to where our mom's ashes were scattered every year.

Her memories of taking the flowers there somehow imparted themselves upon me, making me feel like I was with my twin sister the entire time – like we'd always been together.

"I...can't..." Thea's fierce loyalty burned through her feverish state, though who she was being loyal to, I didn't know.

<You know you can tell me anything, right?> I checked with her, using the link between our minds to ensure our conversation was private.

"I know, Theo." Thea rolled her eyes at me, "But, I can't tell you."

"But...what if you're..." I dropped down closer to her, "You know."

"Dying?" She filled in the blank I'd been too afraid to, scoffing a little, "I'm not dying, Theo. Sure, it doesn't look or feel like I'm living my best life, but it won't last forever."

"Are you sure?" I cocked up an eyebrow at her, doubting her certainty.

"Nope. But whoever's sure about anything supernatural is fucked in the head." She laughed slightly at her own words, but soon subsided.

Seemingly, all her energy had been sucked from her once again – most likely from the exertion of talking to me.

"I'll let you get some more rest." I bent down and kissed her forehead.

<Love you, bro.>

My heart swelled a little at the thought she'd shared with me.

<Love you too, sis.> I thought back, but her steady breathing indicated she was most likely already asleep once again.

Having lived all my life believing I was an only child, I never believed I could experience the purity and fraternity of love between siblings. Being a twin only increased my connection to Thea.

If anything were to happen to her... My stomach did backflips from the very thought of it, and the meagre dinner from the night before threatened to make a reappearance. I couldn't lose Thea, not again. Whatever was the reason for us being separated at birth, we'd stick together – with both of us supernaturals, surely we'd stand a better chance against any threats?

For some reason, our dad hadn't told us exactly what the prophecy about us was. Only time would reveal it to us now, with him helping Maia in Arizona.

I can't lose Ember either; the logical part of me dreaded what might happen if I had to choose between saving one out of the two of them.

Brushing that bleak thought aside, I finally left Thea's room, after watching my twin sleep soundly.

Whilst I couldn't bring myself to get angry at Thea, Ember was another matter. What the two of them were going through was affecting them in the same way; and from the way Thea refused to say anything, it certainly felt like Ember was the one who knew. Or at least, she'd made Thea promise not to say anything.

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