"I said, I think your girlfriend is worth it though, isn't she?" I smiled innocently.

Oh yeah, I went there. Grade 1 blackmail.

He flared his nostrils and let out a huff. I smiled, knowing I'd won, and swapped the packet he'd picked up for the Dunlop ones that were on the shelf behind the counter.

"Do we do that with all the customers?" Harry asked me, though I think he was partly joking; he'd obviously figured out that I knew the boy in front of the counter.

"No, just this one" I told him, nodding at Nathan, "it's just, he keeps coming back in and we're trying to get rid of him"

Nathan rolled his eyes but I ignored it, "that'll be £5.99 please"

He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and took out a ten pound note, handing it to me. I keyed 'ten pounds' into the till and the cash register opened so I put the note in and took his change out.

"That's £4.01 change" I said, handing it to him, "and your receipt"

He took the money and the receipt, before he had the cheek to check the change.

"It's right" I told him with an irritated expression on my face.

"Just checking" he smirked, as he put the money into his wallet, "can't always trust your maths skills"

I gave him a sarcastic smile, which he returned before I shoved the guitar picks at him as well.

"I hope your girlfriend likes them"

"I bloody hope she does too"

"I hope she... dumps you"

"I guess she doesn't want this lunch I've bought her then" he teased, holding up a plastic Subway carrier bag and dangling it in my face. I stared at him, never breaking eye contact as I took the bag out of his hands and placed it on the counter in front of me. Then, I looked down and peered inside the bag, seeing a wrapped up Subway sandwich, a drink of Fanta and a cookie. I pushed open the cookie wrapper to see it was double chocolate chip.

I chewed on my lip, "what's on the sandwich?"

"The usual" he told me, "ham, salami, pepperoni, mayo, salad, plenty of peppers..."

I sighed dreamily at the thought, "you done good, Sykes, you done good"

"I know" he smiled proudly, "what time do you finish?"

"Four o'clock"

"I'll meet you outside at four. then"

I gave him a nod.

"Stop flirting with the customers" Nick tutted at me as he came out of the back, holding a large cardboard box filled with stock.

"I'm not, it's that lad that keeps stalking me" I told him, "can I file a complaint yet?"

"Not unless he actually assaults you"

I reached over the counter and grabbed Nathan's hand, lightly hitting my own cheek with it.

"ASSAULT!" I cried loudly in mock-panic.

"Oh my God" Nathan said, shaking his head as he pulled his hand away, "why did you even hire her?" He asked Nick.

"She was the only person who applied for the job"

"Yeah, makes sense now"

"I am the best employee you have ever had, don't lie" I half-joked, narrowing my eyes at Nick.

"Mhmm" Nick hummed as he made his way to the front of the counter, "Harry, would you like to follow me and help me with this stock?"

Harry nodded and followed Nick to a set of shelves nearby, before Nick started to explain to him how to organise the shelf. I turned my attention back to Nathan, who was looking at me with a cute smile on his face.

"Well, thank you for the lunch" I smiled, leaning forward over the counter and placing my hands on his shoulders to pull him towards me, before pushing my lips against his in a short, sweet kiss.

"You're welcome" he smiled, nudging the tip of his nose against mine.

"I'll have to make it up to you" I told him. He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"That sounds, er, promising" he smirked.

"I just meant like, I'll buy you a Starbucks on the way home or something" I explained, sliding my hands around to the back of his neck so my fingers were linked together at the nape.

"Well, that is just as tempting" he murmured, kissing me again.

Nathan and Sophie OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon