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This oneshot wasn't requested but I had an idea for it. It's kind of random but I hope you like it anyway.

To put it onto context, Sophie is supporting The Vamps on tour because they share a manager and stuff. It was vaguely mentioned in the last chapter of WAA, along with the fact that Sophie has a blog for people who have been through stuff like she did to talk about it, so just a warning that in the first half, it mentions about what happened with Scott so it's a little emotional but then it gets quite cute and then it gets a bit sexual near the end. Like I said, it's a bit random.

Also, I've literally just finished writing this so it is unedited, sorry for any mistakes. I'll correct them later.

My name is Sophie. When I was sixteen years old, I was raped at a house party by a drunken guy who 'barely even remembers it properly'. It ruined my life, my relationship and my entire mental wellbeing, and three years later, I am only just starting to move on with my life. The details don't really matter, but what does matter is that I know I'm not the only person who has experienced something like this. At the time, I never had anybody who truly understood what I'd been through. I had friends to support me and hug me and sympathise for me, which was really appreciated, but sometimes I didn't need that. I just needed to talk to someone who knew exactly what I was feeling and knew exactly what was going on inside my head. I needed someone who had been through that and could tell me that one day, I would be happy again. Because now, I am happy.

It may not seem like it right now, it may seem like your world is ending and that you don't have much to live for and that things can't possibly get any better, but they will. I promise.

If you want to rant to me, cry to me, unload all of your worries and problems to me, ask me for advice, ask me about what happened, ask me anything, then my askbox is open. You can remain anonymous if you like and if you don't want me to post your ask and my reply on the blog, then just say, but sometimes just reading about other people going through similar things to what you have can help.

I can't give you professional advice, but I can listen and empathise and I want to help.

That's the bio of my blog. I guess it's very honest but it kind of has to be for all the people who follow my blog because they need someone who is honest. They don't want sympathy; they want someone who is real, who understands.

I currently had two hours before I needed to be on stage so was looking through my askbox and replying to people who'd left me messages. It was amazing how many people actually messaged me on this blog, some telling me their stories, some asking for advice, some just wanting someone to vent their anger or frustration to. What was even more amazing was the amount of people who had been through what I've been through, and in some cases worse. When something that distressing happens to you, it feels like you're the only one and that no one else feels what you feel, and that no one in the world could possibly feel worse than you do.

I thought that being raped by a drunk almost-stranger at a house party was as bad as it gets. But there are people who message me who have been raped by a gang in an alleyway, girls who are beaten up on a daily basis by their own partners, women who are just too scared to say no.

I guess when I started this blog that I never expected so many girls to find it and relate, but I've received a lot of positive feedback from followers telling me that I've helped them or made them feel better or have lifted a small weight from their shoulders. If I'm helping other people through their shitty circumstances, then I'm content. I've decided that if my music career fails, then I'm going to become a counsellor.

Hi Sophie, I kinda need someone to talk to. The other night I was at this party and this guy was coming on really strong and then I went to the toilet and he came in, locked the door and started trying to touch me. Luckily I managed to get out before he went too far but I was really scared so I went to find my friend but she was really, really drunk and was with this random guy, she wouldn't come home with me because she wanted to stay with this guy. It really upset me because I was scared and I just wanted a hug and she wasn't being a very good friend. I haven't spoken to her since and I haven't told anyone about what happened with the guy. I just really don't know what to do

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