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Okay, I'm uploading this now because in going on holiday tomorrow so I won't be able to update over the next week, just letting you guys know. I'll try to write whilst I'm on holiday but I'm not sure how much I will get done, however, I have an another oneshot that I'm close to finishing so hopefully, I'll be able to upload soon after I get back.

This was the prompt for this oneshot-

A oneshot of Sophie's bday - Aleshiam19, Wattpad

And to put it into context, Sophie's birthday is inbetween chapter 39 and 40 of WAA so she is still living with Gabby and Chloe at this point.

"Sophie, love, wake up"

I vaguely felt the person shake my arm gently but I was too deep in unconsciousness to acknowledge it properly.


I managed a small disgruntled hum in response.

"Soph, wake up"

"What?" I muttered, though my reply was barely incoherent.

"Soph, babe, it's your birthday"

I prised open an eye to see Nathan looking back at me as he knelt next to my bed, a small smile on his face. I scowled at him.

"You woke me up for that?" I seethed, before rolling over to face away from him and snuggled back under the duvet. Nathan just chuckled to himself, clearly undeterred by my morning grumpiness, before I felt him lift up the duvet.

"If you dare get in my bed..." I warned, though my voice was muffled by the pillow. He ignored me, sliding into the bed next to me, "get out"

"Oh Soph" he sang, the smirk clear in his voice as he slid an arm around my waist and started pressing kisses against my neck, "why are you being so grumpy?"

"What time is it?"

"About quarter past eight"

"Well, that's why then"

"Stop being grumpy, it's your birthday" he mumbled against my neck.

"Who even let you into the flat?"

"Sophie, you've got presents waiting for you" Nathan said, "I want you to open them"

"Well, I want to sleep"

"Sophieeeee" he groaned in an incredibly whiney voice, "come on"

He rolled me over slightly so I was on my back facing upwards, with Nathan looking down at me, cute smile tugging at his lips and those emerald green eyes sparkling.

"Happy birthday"

"Thanks" I mumbled.

"You're very welcome" he said, "god, nineteen, you're getting well old" he teased.

"Well, I'm younger than you so you must be fucking ancient" I shot back.

"I remember back in the day when you were just a fourteen-year-old lusting after me" he sighed dramatically, ignoring me.

"I wasn't lusting after you" I scoffed, "you were lusting after me, you were always staring at my boobs when we were fourteen"

"No, I never, I wouldn't dare" he argued.

"Yes, you did, remember that time in the changing rooms in New Look? And you just barged into my cubicle and couldn't take your eyes off them-"

"Well, I was a teenage boy, what do you expect" he replied, "and I'd never really seen a girl's boobs properly that close up before, I was... intrigued"

Nathan and Sophie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now