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I spotted her... She was about to enter in company from the back door.

I knew she had nowhere to go when she left my house... And I knew it too that she had been living with the guard's wife.

The first woman to know about my feeling for Yn....

"Stop there Yn." I shouted .

She immediately halt her actions of trying to turn the knob.. her body seemed like was froze on its place..

"You left the keys Yn... In the room.." I said showing the keys she forgot to take in that hurry of her.

She turned towards me, facing me with those shining eyes of her which made me drown in them the first I saw her.

She was crying... Miserably... And it was hurting me.

I took a step ahead trying to reach her but she took a step back..

Her each action showed she wanted to run... Run away from me. And she was doing so. So I stopped. I stopped my actions of reaching her.. it was her decision to come or go.. and I was noone to force her.. yes I was someone. And thats what we call Admirer..

"Don't pretend Yn. Don't pretend anymore." I said and she looked up at me..

She was confused... Confused what I meant. But I wanted to answer her in the same way she answered me..

"Don't pretend to be happy.. don't pretend to be strong.. don't pretend to be okay when you're not... Show me your sadness... show me your weakness...show me when it hurts... Show me when you feel the pain.. don't hide it Yn. Share it with me.... Share everything you want...."

My words were messing with her mind. Her doe eyes were wide open along with the small pout on her lips and scrunched up nose which confirmed  that she needed me to be specific..

Author POV

"Don't bear the pain anymore Yn... Share it with me when you're hurt... And if me being close to you hurts you then just throw me away... Even if that would break me.. but just smile the way you smiled three years ago making me loose my all senses just in seconds...." He said locking his eyes with her teary ones.

He was now telling her what he couldn't to anyone.. the day he first saw her.. the day he fell for her so hard that no other girl seemed beautiful and interesting after that.

She was more confused now..

3 years??? But I was just a intern that time.... He wasn't even the CEO... That time no one even knew him because he never showed his face as the son of such a huge firm holder....

She was confused because how could he know her when he wasn't even in the company 3 years ago.

The tears in her ears were replaced with super complicated confusion.

"The day your head scolded you for the mistake of someone else as you took the blame of it... I just want that satisfactory smile on your face the way you smiled to that colleague..."

Her eyes widened slightly recalling the most dangerous memory of office time.. the day she was about to get expelled from college because she took the blame of destroying all the accounts of that months of the company.. but someone saved her.

"Y-you...you took the c-complaint back???" Her stammering way showed how surprised she was because that man not only took the complaint back but paid all the dues of her which made her pass the collage that easily.

Taehyung smiled slightly nodding his head. He never wanted to tell her that he did that because he never wanted her to be grateful to him.

He just wanted her to love him... Nothing else ever mattered.

Fake Love//Kth ffWhere stories live. Discover now