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I fluttered my eyes open hissing at the pain suddenly hit my head and whole body.

I tried to sit but felt like I'm tied. Something heavy around my waist, something warm against my body....

Opening my eyes fully, I found myself in a random room with dim lights, sunlight peeking from somewhere and a strange noise from outside.

"I need to confess...
Make me yours Taehyung.....
Let me love you tonight.....
Fuck me.. Taehyung...."

A blur memory from yesterday night ran through my mind making me realise what I did.

I forced him to fuck me.....

I suddenly felt some movements behind me and my waist... It felt like someone trying to get close to me.... Closer then we already are....

I looked down to my waist.... I was naked.... Totally...

A strong arm rested on my waist puling me closer to the one was behind me...

My eyes widened hearing a groan in the same raspy, deep voice, I had heard the day Taehyung called me early morning..

I jolted up straight, running down from bed, throwing the arm away from from my waist....

It was him.. Taehyung....

I ran to pick my clothes up all scattered around the room, wearing them in so much hurry.

I wanted to run... Run away from what I did.. but I knew I couldn't.

I was about to run away when I remembered my heels...

I looked around but couldn't find them.

That time, it wasn't that necessary to take those heels but I wanted to take everything away which could make him remember what we did.

Because I had a hope that he won't remember it.

My eyes landed on my heels beside the bed which made me run to get them but suddenly the fine body sat up straight on the bed rubbing his eyes cutely.

My steps themselves halted in middle to get those heels as I got lost in that fine man. He looked the same way I've imagined.

No shirt, messy hairs, puffy eyes..... Ok I am looking away now....

"Y-yn..." He whispered my name which made me come back to reality.

I need to run...

I ran to get the heels but he was fast enough to get up and stand in front of them blocking my way.

I looked away as he was all naked... But I don't know why, it didn't affect him the way it should have done.

"Yn... Look--" cutting him off I shuttered.

"Y-your c-clothes....." He understood. He understood again without me completing my sentance.

He moved away to get his clothes wearing them in the same hurry I did.

Maybe he want to run away too...

I picked up my heels having my head low and stepped towards the door to open it.

And yes I did...

But the next moment I was pulled back and the door was locked again behind me.

Before I could process what just happened, his tall figure was towering over mine making me take a few steps back as we were as close as one body.

Fake Love//Kth ffWhere stories live. Discover now