"Then.... I'll help you." Ae replied and winked. Pete blushed and then turned his head towards the little girl who was now sound asleep. After he was done drinking his coffee, he lifted the little girl in his arms and then carried her to the bedroom while Ae moved to pick the plates and cups up, carrying them to the kitchen to wash.

After Ae was done washing the utensils, he returned back to the living room and started to browse through the channels trying to find something interesting to watch. He settled on watching some documentary when Pete walked in. The cute guy made himself comfortable next to his husband, leaning against Ae's chest and wrapping his arms around the muscular body. Ae gently wrapped his hand his husband pulling him closer and sniffed his hair.

"You smell much more better than cupcakes." Ae stated making the cute guy giggle. Ae sighed and then continued watching the television with the cute guy resting in his arms. His hands were gently stroking the back of the fragile person.

"Pete.... Can I ask you something?" Ae asked cautiously and Pete hummed in response. Ae composed himself before he started speaking, "Ummm... I was thinking about something. And I want to know your thoughts about it. When I saw you carry Yim, I was a bit emotional with a thought of having a small family." Pete's smile dropped as he heard those words. He didn't look up at Ae since he knew that Ae will see the disappointment in his eyes.

"I am sorry Ae..." Pete whispered against his husband's chest thinking Ae wouldn't be able to hear it but Ae did hear each and every word. "Why are you apologizing my love?" Ae asked making the cute guy stunned. Pete stayed quiet not knowing what to answer. Ae placed his fingers over Pete's chin and raised his face so that he could look into the other's eyes. He felt hurt seeing the disappointed look on his husband's face.

"I am sorry for bringing up the topic." Ae apologized. His face showed the guilt he was feeling. "It's not your fault Ae. I am the one wrong here. I wish I was a girl, I would have fulfilled your dream. I am sorry Ae, I am not able to give you your happiness even if I wish to." Pete sounded remorseful as he spoke.

Ae pulled him in a hug and started rubbing his back soothingly. "It's not the way you are thinking love. I wanted to ask you whether it would be fine if we adopt kids. I mean you don't have to decide now. We can take time to think and also discuss with both the families. I don't think of you any less if you are not able to bear a child. I just want to see you happy. I have seen the way you take care of Yim and I am sure you will be a great father." Ae stated.

"But Ae, it still doesn't change the fact. Don't you feel like having your own kids?" Pete said in between sobs. "Well, I thought about how our kids would have looked like if they were born through you. I don't want anybody else to carry my kids. I have you and that's enough for me. And I don't ever regret being with you. Love cannot be measured over the things the other can or cannot give you. Love is selfless, you can only give it without expecting anything in return. And that's what I get from you. All I need is your love." Ae spoke in his calm tone trying to soothe his crying baby.

Pete was now sniffing, he already stopped crying a while ago. "Ae, you want to adopt a girl or a boy?" The cute guy asked in a low voice. "Hmmm... I haven't thought about it. But I want someone as cute as you." Ae said pulling Pete closer. The cute guy smiled and then snuggled into Ae's side feeling the warmth.

It had been quite some time that the couple stayed embracing each other in the living room. "Let's prepare dinner." Ae stated. The cute guy then moved a bit freeing himself from Ae's grip and then got up. He stretched his body a bit and then began walking towards the kitchen with Ae trailing behind.

The couple was busy preparing their meal when they heard the little girl's voice calling for them. Pete hurried out to see Yim walking down the stairs. He picked the little girl up in his arms and carried her to the kitchen. "Did you sleep well?" Pete inquired while patting the little girl's back who had circled her little hands around her uncle's neck and was resting her head on his shoulder. She hummed in response and continued to rest her head on Pete's shoulder.

Pete understood that the little girl must have got a little scared after waking up in a different place. He knew his little niece too well. He started to hum lullaby while gently patting the little girl's back. Soon, she was asleep and little puffs were leaving her lips.

Ae was looking at the two fondly as Pete carried the little girl. "Is she already asleep?" Ae asked in a low tone. Pete hummed in response and continued to hum the lullaby. He then carried the Yim back to bed and put her to sleep. Ae returned to bedroom and saw Pete covering the little girl with duvet. He leaned against the door frame watching his husband take care of his niece.

Pete turned his head around and found Ae looking at him, he gave him his sweet smile and then moved towards the door. "I'll stay with her. She might wake up and get scared again." Pete stated. "I'll stay with you. The dinner is ready so I don't have to be there in the kitchen." Ae replied.

The two walked backed inside the room and sat down on either side of the little girl. Ae gently stroked Yim's hairs as he looked at her.

After a while, there was a sound of door bell and Ae rushed to attend the visitors. He opened the door and saw Deli and Sun standing outside. He greeted them politely and then ushered them towards the living room.

"Where's Yim?" Deli asked while she made herself comfortable on the sofa. "She is upstairs. She felt asleep while watching her favorite cartoon so Pete carried her to bedroom." Ae replied. "She always falls asleep while watching cartoon." Deli stated.

Ae then rushed inside the kitchen and poured two glasses of juice and then walked out carrying them along with snacks. He placed the tray on the table and then occupied the empty chair. "How was the function?" Ae initiated the conversation. "It was great. We went out together after a long time." Sun replied. "Phi, you should spend time together more often. You can leave Yim with us. We would like some company." Ae stated.

"Hmm... Sounds great. Yim loves Pete a lot. She was throwing tantrum for a month when you were on honeymoon. She misses her both uncles. I think she will be happy to stay with you more often." Sun replied

They continued speaking for a while and Pete appeared at the door. He saw his brother and sister-in-law sitting in the living room and gave them a sweet smile while walking inside. "Aw Pete! How are you?" Deli asked. "I am fine. I was wondering what was taking Ae so long to return so came to check." Pete replied. "I am sorry. I just got busy talking to phi." Ae apologized.

"That's alright Ae." Pete assured giving his husband a bright smile. "I'll get Yim downstairs." Sun said getting up from his place. "Phi, will it be alright if she stays with us tonight? Anyways, tomorrow she is having holiday so you don't have to worry about her. We'll drop her home in eve." Pete suggested. "I don't mind. Just don't allow her to eat lot of ice-cream." Sun spoke.

After spending some time talking, the couple went to check for their daughter before proceeding to return home. Ae and Pete bid their goodbye to the couple and walked inside the house.

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