"Time for a nap, lil mama," he whispered to the already sleeping child.

After putting her down in her crib and turning on the baby monitor, Spencer knew he had no choice but to face Olivia. He took his time walking down the hall to their bedroom, contemplating the chances that in the last hour or so Liv had forgotten what had happened.

The room was quiet when he entered. He spotted her standing in her underwear and bra inside their closet, and slowly made his way over. He temporarily lost his train of thought as he took in her her post-baby body. He thought it was impossible for him to become more attracted to her, but the extra pounds hit her in all the right places.

"Hey," Spencer cautiously approached her, placing a kiss on her cheek.


He tried again, "I'm sorry, I had my eye on her, but then I looked away for a -"

"She climbed up the stairs, Spencer. Our one-year old, who falls over fifty times a day, climbed up a whole staircase by herself," her tone was cold, "what if something happened. You think sorry would be enough."

"Ooookay, but she didn't fall. So we good."

Olivia snapped her head at him, and Spencer knew that was the wrong thing to say.

"One shower. One fucking shower where I'm not worried about our daughter hitting her head or getting hurt," she raised her arms, exasperated, "is that too much to ask for? "

Realizing that she had put on jeans and a silk button down, Spencer paused, "where are you going?"

"I'm going out. And I swear to God, Spencer, there better not be a single scratch on my baby when I get back," she glared as she stepped around him and out of the room.

Not knowing how much time he had before she was back, Spencer had to act fast. He paced around their bedroom until he came up with an idea.


Nipsey played through Spencer's phone speaker as he skillfully navigated kitchen. He was in his zone, rapping along while he sifted flour into a glass bowl. Every few minutes, he'd look up to check the baby cam.

Just as he finished pouring the batter into the pan, Sienna's cries rang through the baby monitor.

"Coming, baby girl," Spencer called, jogging up to her nursery.

Sienna stood in her crib, one hand grasping onto her favorite blankie while the other rubbed into her eye, "mommy?"

"Just dada right now, baby girl," Spencer soothed her, lifting her up into his arms, "but we're making a surprise for mommy, and soon she'll be home."

"Ok," Sienna replied sleepily, her head finding its place on her daddy's shoulder.

Downstairs, Spencer buckled Sienna into her high chair and poured her favorite snack onto the tray for her to eat while he finished up.


The sun was setting when Spencer heard keys turning in the front door lock. He dimmed the lights in the tidied kitchen and propped Sienna on his side.

"Ok mama, now remember, big smiles for mommy when she walks in," Spencer encouraged Sienna, hoping her cuteness would work its magic on Liv.

He went to stand by his masterpiece as Liv turned the corner into the kitchen.

"Mommy!" Sienna screamed, "cake!"

Olivia looked down and read "sorry mommy" written in purple icing on one of Spencer's signature cakes. She smiled, reaching out to grab Sienna who was thrusting her arms out at her.

"I missed you baby girl," Liv kissed her cheeks then turned to give Spencer a peck.

Better than earlier, Spencer thought, taking what he could get.


Later that night, Spencer returned to their room after putting Sienna down for the night. Olivia stood in the bathroom in her robe, brushing her teeth. Feeling that her demeanor had softened, he walked up behind her and trailed his hand up her leg.

"I'm sorry baby," Spencer whispered, slowly kissing up her neck.

Olivia allowed him to continue feeling her up until she was done brushing, then turned around to face him. He could see in her eyes that she wasn't over it just yet.

"Spencer, I need to be able to trust that you'll keep Sienna safe when you say you will."

"I know, Liv, and I'm sorry. I really am. I got caught up in the game, and I shouldn't have."

"That's the thing, our daughter shouldn't be competing with a basketball game."

"And you're right," Spencer was running out of ways to say sorry, "forgive me?"

"I have a right to be upset over our daughter," Olivia walked over to their bed, taking off her robe before getting under the covers.

Spencer followed and stripped on his side of his bed.

"I know, and let me make it up to you," he tried to pull her into him, but she scooted away. Spencer sighed internally.

"How about....," he drew out his words, hoping he'd spark her interest, "we bring back a one day pass. No limits."

Back in college, whenever one of them fucked up, they'd grant the other a one day pass. Twenty four hours where they'd do anything the other wanted. Chores. Errands. Food delivery. Massages. Sex. Everything was on the table to win the other's forgiveness.

"I'm listening."

"I'll drop off SiSi with my moms, and I'm all yours for twenty four hours. You're the boss."

Olivia dragged the silence for a couple minutes, making him wait.

"Ok," she wiggled her way over to him, curling up into his side, "but I'm not over this."

Spencer laughed and kissed her forehead, stroking her back until he heard her soft snoring.


A/N: this was a fun one to write! part two?

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