pesky plans

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Here's one for the slow week 🙃


After steering clear of him for the past hour, Olivia scanned the weight room as she tried to locate her boyfriend. Even on days like today, where he claimed to only be getting in a "light workout," she always turned down his offer to work out together. She preferred their typical routine, which consisted of them splitting up immediately upon entering the facility. Then once Olivia was through with her workout, she'd come find him and remind him that the outside world existed.

"Hey," Olivia tapped Spencer's shoulder mid bicep curl. "We gotta go or we're going to be late for our lunch plans with Jordan and Simone."

"One last rep," he nodded at his reflection in the mirror, his eyes steady on his form as he pumped through the motions.

"You better mean it," she shook her head as she took a couple steps back to scroll through her phone while he finished up.

True to his word, he re-racked his weights soon after.

"Sometimes you have so little faith in me," he approached, snaking his sweaty arms around her waist.

She looked up from her phone and tilted her head at him. "Well, sometimes you just don't know when to quit."

Ignoring her critique, he leaned forward to kiss her, taking her bottom lip between his. Her arm instinctively reached for his neck before she remembered where they were and pushed away.

"Okay," she laughed, shaking her head. "We're not about to be one of those couples."

"Why not?" he leaned forward again, but she slipped from his grasp, dragging him towards the exit before they could garner any more death glares.

"They're just jealous, baby," Spencer laughed once they made it out into the LA sun. Tugging her back to him, he whispered in her ear, "they're jealous that they don't have a woman as fine as you to go home to every night."

"Okay, Romeo," she tried to keep a straight face, but her blushing gave her away. "I'm glad the sweat and stray hairs don't deter you, but I'm serious, we have to go get ready. They're only in town for two days."

"Okay, okay," Spencer sighed, finally letting her pull him the rest of the way to the car.

At home, Olivia rushed toward the bathroom, stripping down as soon as she entered the bedroom.

"I'm gonna shower first," she called as she yanked her leggings from her ankle. "Make sure you pick out what you're going to wear now, so you're not looking last minute."

"Okay," he chuckled, walking into the bedroom at a much slower pace.

"I really like that new white shirt you got a few weeks ago," she added sweetly, biting down on her bottom lip as she looked at him hopefully.

"Why'd you ask me to pick something out if you already did it for me," he teased.

"Just want to give you a little sense of control," she smiled, coming up to him to give him a quick peck before turning towards the bathroom.

"Slow down for a second, girl," he caught her hand as his eyes roamed down her body.

"We don't have time," she tugged her hand away, finally escaping.

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