broken records

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The anticipation in the room was palpable as Spencer ran down the field at Gillette Stadium. In the Baker household, all eyes were focus on his cleats as they danced along the painted white sideline, the cornerback behind him trying to close the gap. When he reached the thirty yard line, Olivia's hand tightened around Sienna's.

"Ow, mom," her daughter cried as she tried to pull her hand away from her anxious mother.

"Sorry, baby," Olivia brought her daughter's hand up to her lips, kissing it lightly while her eyes stayed focused on the screen. Her heart was beating too fast for her to break away.

Spencer hit the twenty yard line. Then fifteen. Ten. Five.

"Another touchdown for James!"

The house erupted into cheers as Spencer's teammates lifted him up in the end zone. In the stands, the away team's fans roared from their small, but mighty section.

Reacting to the excitement in the house, Gianna jumped up and down, doing circles around her twin who stared wide-eyed at the chaos around him. "Yay, daddy! Yay, daddy! Yay, daddy!" Gianna screamed as her blue and yellow pom poms flung wildly.

"Shhh, GiGi," Sienna tried to stop her screeching sister only to be met with a pom pom to the face. Having a good eight years on her younger sister, Sienna snatched it from her before throwing it behind the couch. Unfazed, Gianna approached her weakest victim. "Can I have yours Nana?"

"Of course, baby," Grace replied, passing hers to her grandchild. With a new pom-pom in hand, Gianna shot her sister a smug look then ran back to the center of the living room to resume her cheering.

"Spencer James now holds the career record for most receiving touchdowns for the Los Angeles Rams. What a milestone, isn't it Jeff?"

"That it is, Randy. The Rams made a good choice snagging him straight out of college."

"Daddy, broke the record," Olivia sang, scooping up her youngest son. Of all her kids, Caleb was the calmest. Unlike his siblings, he preferred to observe rather than be the center of attention. And even though Olivia loved all her children equally, she had an extra soft spot for the little boy; he was her mini Spencer.

Caleb giggled at Olivia's excitement. "Daddy is on the TV," the almost four year old pointed at the screen, "play football."

"Yes, baby," Olivia tapped his nose, smiling at him, "daddy plays football."

Outside, Billy started up the grill. Now that Spencer had done his thing, he was free to prepare his famous ribs that they'd be enjoying for dinner. While he waited for the grill to heat up, he tossed the football to Jackson.

When Caleb spotted the ball flying across the yard, he began to kick his legs against Olivia's hip. "Down, please." The moment she let him go, he ran out the back door to chase after his brother.

The rest of the fourth quarter played in the background of the family gathering. The only ones left watching, Olivia and Gianna cuddled up on the couch to witness Spencer run his last few plays. Meanwhile, the house filled with the smells of good cooking. In the kitchen, Sienna helped her grandmas, Grace taking the lead.

An hour later, Olivia snuck to the front office to answer the FaceTime call she's been waiting for.

"Congrats, baby," she beamed as Spencer's sweaty face came into view. "We're so proud of you."

"Thank you," he yelled over the ruckus of the locker room. "How's the party?"

"Good, we miss you. We can't wait to celebrate with you."

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