dinner chaos

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*yeah, yeah, warning, warning*

As Olivia stepped into Simone and Jordan's house, she could already feel the tension in the air. It was Saturday night, and her and Spencer had arrived for their regular couples' dinner party. Each month, the married couples alternated in hosting one guaranteed child-free night where they could let loose and catch up on their adult lives. Billy and Laura were always more than happy to provide babysitting services for the event.

But tonight didn't seem like it was going to be as fun and relaxing as usual. While handing her coat over to Spencer for him to hang up, Olivia shot him an intense look that read 'I told you so.'

Earlier that day, Simone had FaceTimed Olivia to vent about a blow up fight she had with Jordan. They were apparently in a constant cycle of arguing, bickering over the same disagreements every other day. Olivia had offered to reschedule their dinner later that night, but Simone brushed her off, insisting they still come before jumping into the details of the argument.

Playing the role of supportive sister-in-law, Olivia had nodded and mhm'd at all the right moments, taking Simone's side in the heated match. The second the called ended, Olivia walked over to Spencer's office and told him all about it.

Later, while they got ready, Olivia had asked Spencer a second time if it was still a good idea for them to go, and he just shrugged, saying if Simone said it was good, then it was good.

Now here they were. Standing in the entryway, hugging Simone while she gave them an over-exaggerated smile and led them into the house.

In the dining room, Spencer surveyed the table. Dishes full of corn, fries, and greens were scattered around the heaping pile of ribs at the center of the table. As Spencer finished looking over the night's spread, Jordan came in with another platter, fresh from the grill.

"Y'all invite anyone else?" Spencer asked, looking at the new plate, "this looks like enough to feed ten."

"Just us. Gotta make sure we have enough for everybody. Don't want to disappoint," Jordan replied, placing an unnecessary emphasis on the last word.

"Well, it looks great," Olivia pulled out her chair, taking her usual seat across from Spencer. 

Once everyone was seated, they took turns passing around the food. The tension seemed to settle as they enjoyed the meal. 

After dinner, the four of them relocated to the living room where things took a turn.

"Well, Simone," Jordan gave her pointed look, "maybe if you paid attention, you would see how hard I work. I get up every day at 6am to start the day."

"How would I know, Jordan," Simone's voice rose. "We haven't slept together in two weeks! And just because you work hard," she emphasized with air quotes, "doesn't mean I should get the leftover energy. When's the last time you've had sex with me, huh? And I mean good sex, not those lazy strokes you've been using."

"My sister's here," Jordan's eyes shot wide.

"Grow up, we're all adults in this room," Simone rolled her eyes.

"I think it's time we go," Olivia tried to interject, grabbing Spencer's hand to get up.

"No stay," Simone got up, walking out of the room, "I made dessert."

"Oh, I love dessert," Spencer perked up, trying to shift the conversation, "what kind?"

"Banana pudding," Simone came back with the dish and several smaller bowls. "I know how much you love it," she shot a look at Jordan.

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