young lovers

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me again with absolutely no new storylines because writing the same type of thing over and over is warm and comforting and fun [though this one actually is a little different]. 

but honestly, thank you all for reading.


It's the simple things that make Olivia's heart speed up. Sometimes it starts off slow, a result of a gentle squeeze or a tender kiss to her temple. He hovers near her, and it builds and builds until it becomes an uncontainable flutter, pulsing through every limb in her body. Other times, it catches her completely off guard, like when she looks up from whatever she's doing to find him staring. A rush of heat washes over her cheeks, and within seconds, the rhythmic beating in her chest blossoms into a pounding that thumps so loudly in her ears, she worries everyone in the room can hear how deeply infatuated she is with this man.

Last night, that rush had surged through her enough times that she's surprised she made it to bed in one piece. They had gone out with a couple of his teammates and their wives to a local restaurant. A small Italian joint where they've gotten to know the owners. These nights were special. They presented an opportunity to see him in a different element. Him and the guys talked about football, of course, but they also talked business and financial planning and family, constantly trying to better themselves for the future.

It was just dinner with friends, but for her, it was a character study on her favorite subject. While his teammates talked, he listened patiently, nodding along while also gently pushing away constant temptations and distracting the tiny hands fiending after them. She had offered to relieve him, but he'd murmured that it was okay. For her to enjoy herself. With that, she turned away to chat with the women who had become her friends. But he never entirely left her focus because there was always a stray squeeze or a peck lingering around the corner to remind her of his presence.

After every eventful night, he sleeps in. His mouth hangs open slightly, and she's tempted to brush a finger along his full lips. The same way her daughter is tempted to touch anything and everything, she's perpetually fighting the urge to come in contact with him. He's so often right there, but today, she decides the man deserves his peace. So letting him sleep, she slips out from under the covers.

Goosebumps prickle her skin. Immediately, she misses the warmth of laying next to him. But the pressure on her bladder goes from a subtle nag to urgent, and she propels herself up. In the bathroom, she pees and brushes her teeth, eyes roaming her bare body as her hand jerks back and forth. When she looks up, she squints against the bright morning light that pours through the window. It's unbearably bright. Most likely later than she guessed.

His breathing is still steady when she tiptoes back into the room, where she rummages through his dresser for a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt. The baby monitor is quiet on his side of the bed. Another sweet insistence on his part that made the tempo in her chest spike. A quiet laugh escapes her at the sight on the screen. At nine am, Sienna is dead asleep. But instead of her usual position, her chubby arms are folded under her head, her little booty sticking up to the sky. Considering the silence and the time, she figures he must've gotten up in the middle of the night.

Her poor babies.

Lost in thought, she doesn't notice his hand until it cups her inner thigh. Her heart beats a little faster at the squeeze, and she loses her balance, landing on his chest then pushing herself up to straddle his naked waist. They've ended up in this position a million times over, but he claims it's his favorite view—her curls framing her face as she looks down, forming a cascading barrier between them and the world. His warm hands slip under the boxers that float around her hips, finding residence on her backside. He kneads gently. Within her, the beating dips lower.

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