malibu canyons

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"This isn't exactly what I imagined when you suggested going on a hike," Spencer grunted through the soreness that had now taken over his entire body.

"I don't know, it's kind of fun this way," Olivia giggled.

"Easy for you to say," Spencer shook his head. Feeling his grip slip, he slid his hands higher along the back of her thighs, carefully tossing her up to reposition her on his back.

"I think we should hike more often. The views are beautiful from up here," she said cheerfully, craning her neck to take in the beautiful views of the canyon. "Should I take a picture for you?"

"Nah, I'm good."

"Okay, whatever you say," she shrugged, wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her cheek against his.

After several minutes of labored breathing and Olivia's legs bouncing carelessly at his waist, Spencer paused by a large rock, setting his girlfriend down to give himself a break.

With his hands on his hips, he squinted at her. "You told me you were the queen of hiking."

"I didn't have a zentor back then," she grinned from her spot on the rock.

"Maybe we should have left cat-cow pose for after the hike," he shook his head, regretting the thorough demonstration he had given her earlier that morning.

Now he was paying the consequences. Because what had started out as a pleasant hike for both of them, with Olivia animatedly telling stories of her childhood hiking experiences, eventually turned into a grueling workout for Spencer when about seventy five percent of the way up she started complaining that her legs couldn't take anymore more strenuous exercise.

"Ready?" he looked over at her after taking a swig from his water bottle.

"Yup," she reached her legs and arms out, waiting for him to come pick her up.

"Last stretch," he kneeled in front of her, grabbing onto her ankles once she latched onto him. Taking a deep breath, he let out a grunt as he stood up.

"You're a good boyfriend," Olivia cooed once they were almost to the top.

"Yeah? What if I drop you off the edge," he taunted, veering off to the side of the trail.

"Spencer!" she shrieked tightening her legs around his waist. "Put me down right now."

"Nah," he laughed, "you said it was more fun this way. I'm starting to agree."

"Put me down!" No longer trusting his judgement, she uncrossed her ankles and reached for the ground. "I want to walk."

Instead, he ignored her, tightening his grip on her thighs. "I'd never drop you, baby."

"Mhm," she grumbled.

Moments later, and without any additional scares, the hikers reached their destination. While Spencer enjoyed some well-deserved rest, Olivia pulled their lunches from her backpack, setting up a little picnic for them on one of the benches. The two then ate in silence, appreciating the quieter corners of Malibu after a hectic week at GAU.

Fed and hydrated, Olivia wandered around the peak, recording panoramic videos of the breathtaking sight. Behind her, Spencer took unsuspecting pictures of what he considered to be the real view.

"First thing when we get back, I gotta to do another flow because I'm not moving tomorrow," Spencer groaned, rotating his shoulders as they made their way back down. This time with Olivia on her own two feet.

"We can try a new pose," she looked over at him hopefully. "What else does JJ suggest?"

"I don't think JJ's suggesting what you think he's suggesting," Spencer raised his eyebrows.

"Well, it's working for me," she took the lead with a renewed pep in her step. "I'm feeling more at peace already."


not my favorite but i wanted hiking moments

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