worlds apart

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Reading this one back, there's kind of a lot going on here lol. But I'm having a hard time getting the next chapter of i'll be there to how i want it, so in the meantime, enjoy this.

i miss you

Olivia shot off the text knowing that she most likely wouldn't be getting a reply until Spencer was on his way home. He wasn't even out of town, but for the past couple of weeks, he might as well have been worlds away.

They were at the tail-end of training camp, which meant, most days, he was gone for a majority of the day. That in itself was enough of a challenge, but then tack on a rambunctious two year-old and a never ending to-do list, and Olivia's struggles worsened as their quality time went from scarce to nearly nonexistent.

They had some time in the mornings, but it didn't really count. Spencer would get ready and spend as much time with Sienna as possible. On his way out, Olivia would get a quick peck as he handed their daughter over. Then he'd be gone. Nights were equally as repetitive: feed Sienna, go through her bedtime routine, then pass out in bed, barely having the energy to ask each other about their days.

Olivia never imagined that life on auto-pilot could be so exhausting, but thankfully, she found a Friday where she could take a half day from work to start her weekend early. So after dropping Sienna off with Jordan, she headed home to at least get some quality time with herself.

An indulgent shower seemed like the perfect way to kick off her afternoon. With no crying or plastic toys at her feet, she let her head fall back into the hot shower, feeling the water wash away the tension. Tension that Spencer usually relieved her of, in other ways.

Without him present, she decided to work away at it herself. A small moan escaped her as her hands massaged the supple flesh of her breasts. It was nice to feel a sensation other than sticky, clawing hands. She tried to remember the last time Spencer had simply caressed her. The longer she thought about it, the harder it hit her that it had been weeks since her and Spencer had anything even close to sex.

Trying again to clear her mind, she propped her foot up on the ledge, slipping her hand between her legs. A pleasant warmth trickled down her thighs as she lightly circled her clit. Committing herself to the journey, she imagined that it was Spencer's hand, bulkier and firmer than hers.

As the wetness pooled between her folds, she slid a finger through her slit. She dragged her fingers back up to her clit, rubbing the swollen nub as her mind wandered to the last time she and Spencer had time, real time, for themselves. They had gone out on a date and gotten so riled up that they fucked in the backseat of the car after dinner.

"Fuck, Spencer," she moaned. Remembering the sound of his grunts, she threw her head back against the shower wall, getting lost in the memories as her fingers worked their magic. What she'd give to go back to that night, to have him producing the tingling that was spreading through her legs now.

"Miss me?"

Her hand tensed as her eyes snapped open, her heart racing.

"Wh—what are you doing here?" she sputtered, dropping her hand even though the ache between her legs only spiked at the sight of him.

Stuck in the shock of getting caught, she watched him with bated breath, waiting for a response. Instead of providing one, he pulled his shirt over his head in one smooth motion. His hands hovered at the waistband of his sweats, and along his thigh, a clear outline pointed downwards. As she scanned back up to his face, she found his eyes trained on her, trailing the water as it glistened down her stomach towards her center.

"Don't you dare stop."

Her walls pulsed at his words, and slowly, her fingers began to circle again. A soft whimper slipped past her lips as the tingling returned.

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