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jackson: is it possible for me to sneak into your lecture?

jinyoung: what.

jackson: my lecturer for this one subject i'm taking is so boring. like, why the fuck is he not engaging with his students?

jinyoung: but you're always skulking at the back, you're definitely not the type to engage with your lecturer even if they did try

jackson: i mean, you're not wrong there but still.

jackson: a bit of effort for this degree which is worth tens of thousands of dollars would be nice, you know?

jinyoung: my lecture's nearly finished, i'm going to be heading home afterwards

jackson: wish that was me, my lecture doesn't finish until an hour later

jinyoung: is it compulsory?

jackson: no, attendance is not taken. i've always thought it weird when lecturers do take attendance. like?? what the fuck.

jinyoung: it's not entirely unreasonable.

jackson: of course you'd back them up for their fuckery

jinyoung: i was going to ask if you wanted to hang out with me instead because a new ramen place opened up a few blocks down and i wanted to try it out with you but since you decided to insult me like this, i guess we won't be hanging out after all

jackson: wait, no, i take that back. please forgive me and take me with you :((

jinyoung: hmm, i don't know

jackson: i'll give you the best dicking down you've ever had in your entire life 

jackson: right in the janitor's closet

jinyoung: i-

jinyoung: first of all, that's not a very good idea, nor is it a sanitary one

jinyoung: second of all, no

jackson: your rejections, although minimal now-a-days, will be the death of me

jinyoung: if it makes you feel any better, maybe another day 

jinyoung: preferably not in the janitor's closet, because i wouldn't want to tread on a mop head or something while we're trying to screw, if i had to be honest with you

jackson: aren't you hard to please?

jinyoung: it's hardly a big ask. and it's not really my fault you can't seem to keep your hands off me.

jackson: i guess it isn't. and it is absolutely your fault. how am i supposed to keep my hands off such a treat?

jinyoung: i really can't believe we're discussing our sex life while we should be paying attention to the front of the hall.

jinyoung: you're a bad influence

jackson: i'm just trying to make things less boring around here

jackson: i'll meet you outside your lecture hall at 10:30

jackson: not a question, but a command.

jackson: be there or be square

jinyoung: that's a bit unfair, what if my lecturer lets us out 5 minutes later than the scheduled end time?

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