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jinyoung: what do you say about meeting every saturday and sunday onwards to work on this project?

jinyoung: if you don't have other commitments to make, of course

jackson: lol sure

jackson: wait

jackson: you unblocked me!!

jinyoung: begrudgingly, for the sake of our project

jackson: you care about this project more than you care about me

jinyoung: what time is suitable for you?

jinyoung: to meet up

jackson: any time, honestly

jinyoung: okay, then mornings it is

jackson: how early in the morning?

jinyoung: since you stay up late and i do not want to be responsible for any health issues that may arise for you

jinyoung: 11 am?

jackson: that's not too bad

jackson: how many hours per meetup?

jinyoung: 2-3 hours

jinyoung: it will be plenty of time since we're meeting up 2 days a week

jackson: that's true

jackson: alright, that sounds good

jackson: main library?

jinyoung: yeah, they're open on the weekends too

jackson: okay

jackson: wait that means we're meeting up tomorrow

jackson: what outfit should i wear

jinyoung: idc if you show up with your pyjamas and crocs on, just show up on time and there won't be any problems

jackson: what are you going to wear?

jinyoung: what i usually wear

jackson: so a hoodie and sweatpants?

jackson: got it

jackson: i'll match with you :)

jinyoung: please don't



jackson: holy shit it's fucking cold today

jinyoung: well, we are technically still in winter

jackson: i know

jackson: but i was in a rush to get here and forgot my jacket

jinyoung: you're an idiot

jackson: shut up

jackson: are you here yet?

jinyoung: nearly there

jackson: if we fail this project because you're late then it's on you

jinyoung: do not use that line of argument against me

jackson: yes master

jinyoung: i see you, can you stop waving

jinyoung: oh my god this is so embarrassing

jinyoung: people are fucking staring


jackson: wasn't that a productive session

jinyoung: you couldn't concentrate half of the time

jackson: yeah, because even the fucking library was freezing my tits off

jinyoung: are you okay?

jackson: no i'm not

jackson: why the fuck is it so cold, i hate winters so much

jackson: my nose is runny and everything sucks

jackson: icicles are gonna form on the end of my nose at this rate

jackson: from the amount of snot coming out

jinyoung: you're being overdramatic

jackson: if i catch a cold then it's on you, shithead

jinyoung: wow

jackson: what?

jinyoung: you don't usually call me names

jinyoung: not that any offence is taken

jackson: oh, bugger off


jackson: guess you're obedient when you want to be

jackson: i will find use for this information



jackson: forgot to thank you for the jacket

jackson: so here it is

jackson: thanks

jackson: i'll return it to you next week

jackson: or maybe after i buy the exact same one because it's so fucking warm and cozy

jackson: couple clothing, am i right? ;)

jackson: i'll see you tomorrow :)

jackson: actually, i'll see you later today, since it's already sunday

a/n: Here is to me following my update schedule and not falling short for once.

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