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jackson: do you want to talk about it?

jinyoung: about what? the fact that you ended up sleeping over at my place? 

jackson: the kiss.

jackson: i know you're still thinking about it

jinyoung: i'm not

jinyoung: and why are you messaging me?

jinyoung: you're literally sleeping next to me.

jackson: i'm sleeping on the floor

jinyoung: next to my bed

jinyoung: so it's practically the same thing.

jackson: you're a prick.

jinyoung: i always have been, did you only notice this just now?

jackson: if you don't want to talk about that then how about we talk about something else?

jackson: we don't have to actually speak, we can do it over text

jinyoung: that's dumb, but i like your way of thinking.

jackson: alright.

jackson: why do you hate me?

Jinyoung stares at the text, thumbs hovering over his keyboard. He doesn't hate Jackson. Sure, he had a strong dislike for him, but it was never hatred.

And now... He's not sure how he feels about Jackson.


jinyoung: i never hated you

jinyoung: that's a bit of a gross exaggeration

jinyoung: i mean never liked you either, but i never hated you. that's a strong word to be using when describing how you feel about someone

jinyoung: and just to clarify, i don't dislike you.

jinyoung: not as much as i did back then, anyway.

jackson: fair enough, but why did you dislike me?

jackson: there must have been a reason.

jinyoung: well, wouldn't you like to know?

jackson: enlighten me. i'm not going to take offence to it

jinyoung: any emotional damage is not my fault, then

jinyoung: ever since high school, you were always so annoying and loud, and i just never got along with people like you.

jinyoung: i mean, i never tried to, either, because i like my peace and quiet, so that's on me for being biased.

jinyoung: however, everyone seemed to like you, and i guess i had a bit of an aversion to that? you were friends with practically everyone, and you would constantly try to get on everyone's good side.

jinyoung: i guess that sort of annoyed me and made me dislike you further. people pleasers just aren't my type. and you were always so disorganised and messy. and clumsy. and i didn't like that, either.

jinyoung: yet, despite it all, i could never take my eyes off of you, which made everything so much worse. it's not like i like you, so why can't i look away?

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