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Jinyoung glances over at Jackson, brows drawn together. "Submit?"

Jackson glances back at him, nodding his head once, firmly. "Submit."

Jinyoung clicks on the submit button, watching as their hours of work and dedication uploads onto the assessment portal. The green slowly fills the bar, the percentage to the right of it increasing as their file uploads.


Uploaded successfully.

Jinyoung grins, turning to Jackson for a hi-five. "We did it!" he cheers as Jackson hi-fives him, a matching grin on his face.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Jackson questions. "We're literally weeks ahead of the deadline, it would have been fine if we submitted it later on."

"Yeah, but the earlier we get it done and submit it, the better."

Jackson's grin softens into a smile, linking arms with Jinyoung.

Jinyoung glances down at their arms for a second, then quickly pulls his arm away from the other. He busies himself with his laptop, making a show of shutting it down.

Jackson sighs. "You're acting like I have a contagious disease of some sort," he mutters. He stands up from his seat and slips his hands into his pockets. "Anyway, should we go and get lunch together? To congratulate ourselves for finishing this project."


jinyoung: who the hell was that?

jackson: who are we talking about?

jinyoung: the guy who came up to our table and then started talking to you. it seems like you both are really close.

jinyoung: i would have thought that you liked him if i didn't know you well enough.

jackson: you say you're not jealous but then you get mad at something like this. make it make sense?

jinyoung: not mad or jealous, just curious

jackson: we sit next to each other during lectures, at the back of the hall

jinyoung: of course you would be sitting at the back of the hall. typical jackson shit, I guess.

jackson: his name's taegyeong. he's a great guy

jinyoung: everyone's a great guy to you, jackson wang. mark, taegyeong. who else is there?

jackson: for fuck sake, are we really going to do this again?

Jinyoung throws his phone onto the bed. He rubs his hands over his face, heaving an irritated sigh into them.

Why is he acting so prickly over something so small and stupid? Something that probably wouldn't matter in the bigger scheme of things?

It's been some time since that night happened, since Jinyoung's spilled a bit too much of his own beans.

And that kiss.

That stupid kiss.

They haven't talked about it since, choosing to ignore whatever had happened on that night — to move past it. Or at least, try to move past it. (Clearly, they've failed. He's failed).

It's not like he's unsure of how he feels, he just doesn't want to admit the one thing that has been clear as day for the both of them, doesn't want to acknowledge the fact that he does like Jackson.

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