The truth revealed

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Bondita's pov

I was called to station to collect my husband's belongings that were left with them even after six whole months, I know right it is a very long time, wondering why no one collected anything till I stepped inside the station and went to the officer to collect the belongings. All left there was a watch and his purse with 2 rupees and his coat with a brooch which he always liked to wear. It was a taste he developed after I left for London, even though it sometimes feels wierd looking at him roaming around with a three piece suite even in summer, he looks cute in it to me. Ignoring my thoughts I took my pen to sign as I had been asked to. When I looked into the register, I felt the ground slipping below my feet as this was something I had never imagined even in my wildest nightmares, it had been recoreded there stating my Pati Babu was dead, that he was no more, even though I knew it was not true the very thought shook my mind. I felt anger coursing through my veins as I bang the the register down, I calm myself down and ask about why he had recorded that my Pati Babu was dead, he nonchalantly replied back stating that it was recorded because he was dead. 

Unable to believe him, I picked up the telephone on his desk and dialed the number to my house, hoping someone would pick up, but no one did, I rang twice, thrice but no one picked it up. Finally when I rang the fourth time someone just picked the phone and kept it on the table I guess because clearly no one cut the call. This act confused me, so I waited not cutting the call. After a few seconds of silence I finally heard something that shook my whole being and questioned my very existence. 

My kakasasurji was telling someone or consoling someone and that person was crying for my Husband who was dead and no more for six months now. I didn't know how to take this piece of information, my brain was refusing to accept the fact that my husband was dead. It finally struck me why my Pati Babu was behaving weirdly with me, because it was not my Pati Babu, it was someone else and now I know who he is. This is why he was acting so weirdly whenever we were together or became furious when I spoke of Batuk, it was all because he was Batuk and for some unknown reason he holds a grudge against me and again for an unknown reason he decided to become my fake husband after my husband's death, but why? What is the reason behind his anger and his actions. I desperately need answers to these questions, I cut the call and collecting my Pati Babu's after thanking the officer rushed back home. On the way back I could not comprehend anything there were way too many emotions stirring inside, one of losing my love, my sansar, second of anger that my Pati Babu had left me even after he had promised he would never leave me alone, third of betrayal, that my family members and my best friend had tricked me, of guilt that my Pati Babu had given his life for me and hopelessness as I had just lost my love and my child it's father. My thoughts finally came to a halt, when the vehicle stopped before the mansion that I once called my house.


Hi guys i know its been pretty long time since I updated this book but I had my own reasons, but now i am back and will try to give regular updates please do shower your love on the upcoming stories tooo:)).

Wrote this only as an os, don't have any plans on extending it, but if you guyscan suggest something then will surely try to extend the story.

Your author:))

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