Chapter 22

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It had been two months since the incident and I had made quite a lot of progress physically. My wounds had healed and I was finally able to walk, although I still needed crutches. But having to learn how to walk again and having to focus only on getting better had taken a toll on my mental health. In the two months, I had not done any of my medical research and it had started to make me feel guilty and restless.

My annoyance peaked the day Anna and Thomas left for a medical conference inside Wall Maria and I had to stay back. I was even more upset because one of the speakers at the seminar was Dr. Grisha Yeager, someone whose work I had admired for quite some time.

That night Levi found me in my room crying.

"What's wrong?", he asked as he sat down on the bed next to me.

"Nothing.", I replied while continuing to sniff.

"Tch. It's clearly something. What happened?"

"It's nothing Levi!" I didn't want to explain. I got up from the bed too quickly, lost my balance and was about to fall when Levi caught me.

"Oi be careful! You've still not completely recovered.", he scolded me.

"Yes I'm aware! You don't have to remind me! I can't do shit anymore. I'm completely useless and I know that!", I yelled at him.

Levi was taken aback. "What the hell are you saying? You know that's not what I meant. You need to give your body rest."

"I did Levi! For two fucking months! And nothing has changed!"

"It takes time Y/N! You've made progress but you can't exert yourself."

I was really irritated by then. "Easy for you to say. Nothing's changed for you! You just went back to your normal life.", I jeered.

I could see I had pissed Levi off. "You think it's been easy for me to get back to normalcy while you've been like this? I've been more worried about you than you've been of yourself!"

"Yeah right.", I retorted but immediately regretted.

Levi's face fell and I knew he was hurt. I started to say something but as soon as I opened my mouth, Levi stormed out of the room. I felt awful. I cried myself to sleep.

I spent the entire next day in my room, not even bothering to get food. I wasn't hungry. I hadn't seen Levi at all and it was getting to me. I knew I had to apologize but I didn't feel like getting up from my bed.

In the evening, as I was curled up on my bed trying to drift off to sleep, there was a knock on my door. I'm not getting it.

After another knock, the door opened and Levi entered dressed in a nice suit.

"Get dressed. We're going for dinner.", he ordered.

I was confused. "What?"

"We're going to Sina for dinner. I've reserved a table at La Rouge."

La Rouge was one of the finest restaurants inside Wall Sina. They had a delicious French cuisine and an excellent ambience. "Levi...but..."

"Tch. Hurry up, we'll be late otherwise."

"Uh-okay.", I got up and turned to him. "Levi?"


I looked down sheepishly. "Could you help me get dressed?"

He smiled. "Sure."

He helped me slip into a F/C dress that came to my knees. As he was zipping it from behind, his fingers softly brushing against my back, I said again, "Levi?"

"Tch. What now?"

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean it."

He finished zipping my dress, came closer and placed a gentle kiss on the back of my neck. "I'm sorry too."

We took a wagon to go to Sina. At first I was embarrassed to walk with my crutches but when I saw no one cared, I felt more comfortable. The restaurant was as elegant as I had pictured it to be. The place was packed with people, who were blissfully chattering away and enjoying their meal. Waiters were promptly attending to each table. A beautiful lady was singing at the centre, accompanied by a pianist.

I felt relaxed. All the stress that I had been feeling slowly dissolved and it struck me that there was no other place I'd rather be in that moment, with no one else but Levi.

When we finished ordering our food and wine, I took Levi's hand from across the table and rubbed it gently.

"Thank you for bringing me here.", I smiled.

He returned my smile. "I know how frustrating it has been for you. Thought this is the least I could do to cheer you up."

"I feel much better, thank you." I said gratefully.

Our wine arrived and the waiter poured two glasses. I raised my glass to Levi and exclaimed, "Good food is always the right way!"

He chuckled but raised his glass and tapped it against mine. We enjoyed the rest of the evening, talking and eating till our stomachs were full.

Once we finished eating, Levi paid the bill despite me insisting that we split it.

"You can pay it the next time we're here." , and that was the end of it.

We left the restaurant and were casually strolling on the street when I spotted a tea shop. I grabbed Levi's hand and made my way towards it.

"Oi! Slow down."

When we entered the shop I saw Levi's eyes light up just by looking at the variety of tea flavours.

I smiled to myself. "Pick any you want, as much as you want. It's on me."

He glanced at me and raised his eyebrow. "Aren't you generous."

"It's the least I can do after everything you've done for me.", I said earnestly.

Levi came closer and whispered in my ear, "Well, you can do more."

He smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Fine let's go then."

As I turned around he held my wrist. "I never said I can't have both."

I chuckled. Levi took his time and selected the flavours he wanted. The shopkeeper thanked us for our generous purchase and we left the store. Levi looked extremely satisfied, which made me happier than I was.

We walked hand-in-hand down the street. "Thank you.", Levi said looking at me.

"Save it until the next present.", I said and winked at him. He chuckled but suddenly stopped walking as his eyes shifted to something else.

I followed his gaze only to find none other than Stefan, standing on the opposite side of the road. His face had a panicked look as he spotted us.

"Y/N, wait here. I'll be back.", and with that Levi sprinted off in his direction. Stefan immediately started to run.

I called after Levi but he had already turned a corner, chasing after Stefan. I stood there feeling anxious. Seeing Stefan brought back all the horrible memories from that day. I knew Levi could easily take him down if he was alone. But what if he has backup? Who knows what connections he has? Be careful, Levi.


Author's note

Hi my lovely readers!

Just want to let you all know that the story is entering its climax! All things must come to an end after all :( But, I have decided to turn this into a series, so there will be a sequel! :D

Thank you to everyone who's been on this journey! Hope you enjoy the rest of the story <3

No matter where you are- Levi x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora