Chapter 11

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When I woke up the next day, I found myself alone on my bed. Sigh. He's never there when I wake up.

Dreading the day that was ahead, I took a shower, changed into a fresh pair of clothes and headed to the cafeteria for breakfast. 

After filling my plate, I sat down at an empty table. Soon, the door to the cafeteria opened, and I saw Hange and Levi enter followed by Mike and Erwin. Hange spotted me and I waved them over. They all filled their plates and sat down at the table. Erwin and Hange sat on either sides of me, and Levi sat on my opposite side, with Mike sitting next to him.

"Did you guys have a meeting?", I asked when none of them spoke for several minutes, even Hange.

"Yeah, we were discussing the plan for the next expedition.", Erwin replied. 

So that's why they look so serious. "Oh. When's that gonna be?", I asked.

"In two days." This time Levi answered.

"What? Two days? Isn't that a bit too soon?", I asked a bit worriedly.

"It is, but we're prepared. All our soldiers have recovered, and we have a plan of action.", Erwin assured me.

"Is there pressure from the higher-ups?", I asked and he gave me a how-do-you-always-know look.

"Sort of. But don't worry, We have everyone in good form. We're ready.", he answered and it felt like he was trying to convince himself more than me.

"Yeah! Plus we might get some new information on titans! We might even be able to capture one!", Hange added, suddenly getting excited.

I chuckled. "Hold your horses four-eyes. If you want to be titan shit, be my guest. But I won't let you endanger the lives of my men.", Levi threatened her.

"Uh Levi...", Hange replied innocently.


"Titans don't defecate. They don't have digestive systems." The entire table started laughing, except obviously Levi, who did not look amused.

"Wait, your men? You're heading a team?", I asked Levi. He nodded. I was a bit surprised since this was only his second expedition but also amazed.

"Eyebrows is making me.", He added.

"I am sure you can handle it. You have what it takes to be a squad leader.", Erwin replied earnestly.

I looked at Levi and gave him a reassuring smile. His face softened.

"Besides, he already acts like a leader you know, making everyone clean the stables.", I complained to Erwin. Hange and Mike nodded their heads in agreement and Erwin laughed.

"Do you want to be next?", Levi asked and I stuck my tongue out.

We all finished our breakfast and started to head out. Levi came behind me and whispered in my ear. "So, I'll see you in your room tonight."

My heart skipped a beat. "My room?", I questioned him, failing to hide my blush.

"Yeah. I'll get the cleaning supplies."


"Last night you said you'll clean your room." He reminded me and I suddenly had the urge to feed him to a titan. He not only is making me clean but he literally just burst my bubble.

"Oh c'mon Levi! Please don't make me do this!", I begged.

"I wasn't planning to until you ratted me out to your brother. So guess what?", he smirked.

"Ugh! Fine! I'll clean.", I pouted.

He came close and whispered, sending chills all over my body, "Good girl."

I rolled my eyes and waved him off.

The rest of the day passed like usual at the infirmary. After finishing dinner, I went straight to my room. Even though I was looking forward to seeing Levi, I was dreading the idea of cleaning. I did like to keep my surroundings clean but I hated the process of cleaning. 

Man if only I knew he was such a clean freak I would have kept my distance. I chuckled at that thought.

I heard a knock on my door. I didn't need to open it to know who it was. "Come, in!"

The sight of Levi stopped me on my spot and I almost burst out laughing. He was dressed in an all-white attire, with cloth masks covering his head and mouth. He had a big mop, two brushes and a bucket with cleaning liquids in them.

He made his way to my bathroom and filled the bucket. When he came out, he saw that I hadn't moved an inch.

"Are you just going to stand there like an idiot? Move your ass and get to work.", he ordered.

"You know, your idea of a date is really not fun." I folded my hands and remained put, leaning on the table.

He slowly walked up to me and took off his mask. He grabbed my waist with one hand and pulled me closer to him. I was completely perplexed. He then untied my hair and lifted my chin. He came in closer and my heart started to race. He brushed his nose against mine and I closed my eyes. His lips were one fingernail away from mine and I could feel his breathe.

"Start cleaning or you'll never find out how that ends.", he whispered and pulled back, leaving me wanting for more.

"Jerk.", I managed to get out.

We cleaned till Levi was completely satisfied and I was completely exhausted. But I had to admit, my room did look much cleaner and everything literally sparkled.

Levi gathered all the cleaning supplies and headed for the door.

I cleared my throat. "Don't you have another business that you should finish?"

"I will. Go take a shower first, you're filthy.", he replied in a monotone.

I scoffed. "Well, so are you!"

"I know. I am going to take a shower too."

"Okay.", I said looking a bit disappointed.

"I'll be back.", he kissed my cheek and left. I smiled and headed for the bathroom, eagerly waiting for him to come back.

No matter where you are- Levi x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz