Chapter 14

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Hans noticed how lost I was. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Uh-yeah, I'm fine."

"Oh look who it is! Commander Erwin finally decided to bless us with his presence.", Cardina shouted. Everyone turned towards the door. I saw Erwin make his way towards our table, closely followed by Levi, looking as disinterested as ever.

My heart leaped with joy. Levi was wearing a black suit paired with a white shirt. He also had a white cravat tucked to the collar of his shirt. It was the first time I was seeing Levi in a suit and he, without a doubt, was the most handsome man in the room that night. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

When Erwin and Levi reached our table, Hans stood up and shook Erwin's hand. "Sorry I am late gentlemen.", Erwin apologized looking at everyone in the table.

"Oh, don't worry about it. But your sister seems to have been missing you quite a lot. She looks so happy to see you.", Hans said mistaking the smile on my face.

Everyone turned towards me and I felt myself turning red. Erwin looked a bit surprised. I just smiled at him nervously and saw a slight smirk form on Levi's face. He had been avoiding making eye contact with me until then but he suddenly looked straight into my eyes. My heart skipped a beat and I looked away.

"Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to Survey Corps' newest member, Levi. He single-handedly took down five 10 meter titans on his second expedition. He is also the reason why we didn't lose any soldiers this time.", Erwin said proudly, and everyone looked at Levi in awe. I felt proud of him too.

Levi simply gave a small nod and I tried to hold in my laughter. He was clearly not used to being in the presence of such "important" people. He quietly took a seat opposite to me.

"Excuse me gentlemen, I'll join you in a while.", Erwin said and made his way to Nile Dok, who was the commander of Military Police and his good friend.

"So Levi, five kills on your second expedition is pretty impressive. Who trained you? Was it Shadis?", Henry Biron asked.

"No. I didn't get any formal training. I was recruited from the underground.", Levi replied unabashedly.

Everyone at the table fell silent. I could see Hans shift in his chair uncomfortably.

"Oh! So, you are the one who Erwin caught from the underground!", Cardina suddenly remembered. Caught? What is he, a rat?

"That's me.", Levi curtly replied.

"Wow, you must have had some life down there!", Cardina said looking at him as if he was some exotic creature.

"I have heard that the place is filled with prostitutes and pimps.", Rod Reiss commented looking repulsed.

I glanced at Levi who didn't bat an eye. I felt infuriated. Levi must have too, but he didn't show any emotions.

"Speaking of pimps, Y/N, I heard you were kidnapped by Tyler and his men?", Cardina asked changing the topic, much to my relief.

"Yeah I-

"Oh yes, how could I forget! I'm sorry I didn't come to meet you, Y/N. I was caught up with something. But I was really worried about you.", Hans interrupted before I could answer. I wasn't sure if he meant it.

"That's alright. I got away with small injuries. It would have been a lot worse had Levi not shown up at the right time. I might have even died. He saved me.", I said looking directly into Levi's eyes and smiled. He returned a light smile.

Everyone commended him. Everyone except Hans. All of a sudden, Hans got up and asked for my hand, "Would you like to dance, my lady?"

I was taken aback. From the corner of my eye, I looked at Levi, who kept his eyes fixed ahead. He didn't look at me once.

"Uh, sure.", I said placing my hand in Hans's and he led me to a crowd of men and women, who were dancing.

Hans held onto my hand and grabbed my waist with his free hand. I gently placed my hand on his shoulder and we started swaying to the music. I looked over from his shoulder at Levi who was staring at us. I couldn't make out his expression since he was far away. We continued to dance for a few more minutes. 

Hans came close and whispered in my ear, "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

I cringed but didn't show it on my face. I smiled and looked at our table only to find Levi gone. My eyes scanned the room but I could not see him anywhere. I panicked. Did he leave?

"Uh, Hans, sorry, I need to use the restroom. I'll be right back.", I said abruptly stopping our dance.

"Sure, my lady.", he kissed my hand before letting go of me.

I hurried out the door into the long hallway and as soon as I turned a corner someone grabbed my arm and pulled me behind the stairs.

"Levi!", I whispered.

Without a word he lifted my chin and took my lips in his. I was startled at first but slowly gave in. I slid my hands under his coat and held his shirt tightly, not wanting to let go. He cupped my face with one hand and gently held my waist with the other.

"I missed you.", he said finally letting go, pressing his forehead against mine.

"I missed you too. I thought you wouldn't come.", I said looking up at him.

"I wasn't planning to. But I wanted to see you.", he replied.

"I'm glad you did. And look at you! So handsome.", I said gently pressing my hand against his cravat.


"Why are you out here?", I asked.

"I had no interest in watching you dance with that asshole.", he answered honestly.

I chuckled. Just what I had thought. "You're cute when you're jealous.", I teased him.

"Oi, I'm not jealous."

I started laughing at his failed attempt at lying. "Sure, I believe you." I continued to laugh.

All of a sudden, he grabbed my hand. "Let's go."

"What?", I looked at him in surprise.

"I can tell you don't want to be here. Neither do I. So, let's get out of here."

"Levi, I can't. I promised Erwin. I can't just leave." If Levi and I left together, people would definitely get suspicious.

"Are you really going to spend the rest of the evening talking to those idiots?", he asked feeling a bit annoyed.

"I know what they said was inappropriate and ignorant. You don't have to talk to them, just stay with me. Please.", I said rubbing his cheek.

He brushed my hand away.

"Okay, I won't force you to stay. But I have to, I'm sorry."

As I started to walk past him, he grabbed my hand.

When I turned around, he slowly moved the strands of hair from my forehead and tucked them behind my ears. "You look beautiful.", he said and started to walk back to the hall.

I stood there motionless for a few seconds. Suddenly, I felt guilty. I could see he was doing this for me. Maybe I should have left with him. Maybe I should leave with him. But I just stood there watching him walk away. I'm such a coward.

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