Chapter 15

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When I returned to the hall, I saw Levi getting a drink. I was about to make my way to him when I saw Hans get to him first. Weird. I definitely didn't want to be a part of their conversation, so I walked towards Hange and Mike, who were talking to Commander Pixis.

Levi's POV

The night wasn't getting any shorter and I felt like I needed a drink. As I poured myself a glass of whiskey, I saw asshole make his way towards me. What the fuck does he want?

He poured himself a glass too and leaned his back on the table like I had.

"I must thank you for saving Y/N's life, Levi.", he said looking at me.

I shot a glance at him. "I was just doing my job." I looked at Y/N, who was talking to four-eyes.

"Well, nevertheless, I owe you one. You saved my woman.", he replied casually.

I almost choked on my whiskey. "Your woman?", I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Yes. I'm going to marry her."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Really? And does she know about your plans?"

"I haven't asked her yet. But I will soon, and she will say yes.", he said looking serious this time.

"What makes you say that?" I wanted to see where he was going with this.

"For starters, we get along. Besides, I can provide her everything that she'll ever need. I'll keep her happy."

"Sure, if you think that will keep her happy." I said mockingly.

"You think you know her better than I do?", he asked in a condescending tone.

"I do know her better than you do."

He laughed. "Look, I get it. I don't blame you for falling in love with her, I mean who wouldn't? But you shouldn't forget where you stand. Don't even think of getting close to her."

"And what if I do?", I asked looking straight into his eyes.

He glanced around, then came closer and whispered, "This isn't the underground Levi. This is not your turf. You don't know how things work here. Watch your back or you'll regret ever leaving that shithole."

"You're threatening someone who kills titans as part of his job.", I smirked. I could see his face turning red with anger. He started to say something but was interrupted by a dinner announcement. So he left after giving me a death glare. 

Tch. What an idiot.

As I made my way to the dinner table, Y/N caught up to me.

"What were you guys talking about?", she whispered.


"Did he say something to you?", she was concerned.

"Don't worry about it.", I brushed my fingers lightly against hers and went to sit next to Erwin.


"Don't worry about it.", Levi assured me and brushed his fingers lightly against mine, giving me jitters. I looked around to see if anyone saw and once I made sure no one did, I went and sat on Erwin's other side. Seeing that the chair to my left was empty, Hans quickly grabbed it.

He had been talking to someone animatedly and looked very excited as he sat next to me.

Soon, the food was served and as we started to eat, Hans suddenly leaned over and asked, "Sorry I must have missed it, but what did you say your last name was Levi?"

I turned to look at Levi who was clearly not anticipating the question. After a long pause, he said, "It's just Levi.", still looking at his plate. I got a bad feeling in my stomach.

"Oh! I guess it's not that uncommon to not know who your father is when you live in the underground.", Hans replied and everyone stopped talking. Levi didn't reply.

I looked at him in shock. I knew he was a show-off, but I didn't think he would be so vicious.

"What are you talking about, Hans?", the man he was talking to before asked him. 

Wait. I think I know what's going on.

"You don't know? A lot of women down there end up having kids with their uh-customers. They all grow up not knowing their fathers.", Hans replied loudly enough for everyone to hear.

"Hans!", I scolded him. He looked at me and raised his shoulders, as if he had no idea why I had yelled his name. The bastard had planned this.

Levi immediately got up from his seat and walked up to Hans. He banged his hand on the table startling everyone.

"Listen you bastard, consider yourself lucky that you're not alone right now.", he scoffed at Hans. "Erwin I'm out of here.", and with that Levi walked out of the door, not looking at anyone.

Erwin called out to him but he didn't stop.

"Don't bother with the likes of him, Commander. You can't turn a penny into a diamond no matter how much you polish it.", Henry Biron chimed in. Erwin didn't reply. I was a bit disappointed in him.

"I agree. Did you see the way he acted? How uncouth!", Hans added. Some others joined in agreement.

That was it. I couldn't take it anymore. "Shut up!", I yelled.

Everyone looked at me with wide eyes, including Erwin and Hange.

"Who the hell do you people think you are? Your callousness makes me sick! You sit here in your fancy clothes, with your fancy drinks and pass snarky comments on those who struggle to survive everyday in that place, how dare you? You ignorant fools, do you have any idea what life is outside these four walls?"

I turned to Hans and continued, "That man you just mocked is the reason why we're having this party. He is the reason why no one died! What have you done except spending taxpayer's money on your frivolous hobbies?"

Hans got up from his seat. "I can do whatever the hell I want with my money, because I earned it. Those scums in the underground struggle because they're good for nothing. They're nothing but vermin. So, he can go on and kill a thousand titans but here he'll always be vermin."

It happened in an instant. I couldn't think and my body automatically reacted. The slap was hard and loud. Everyone gasped. Hans was furious. His whole face turned red, partly due to embarrassment. But I didn't feel sorry. It felt good.

"You're fucking vermin.", I snapped and stormed out of the door.

When I closed the door behind me, I saw that Levi hadn't left. He was standing with his back against the wall. Did he hear everything?

"I-I thought you left." My voice was almost inaudible.

"I had a feeling you would come."

I looked at him and felt my heart aching. I walked up to him and held his hand. "Let's go."

No matter where you are- Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now