Ae had a great taste when it came to interior but this time, he had done everything the way Pete would love. Ae walked towards the large closet and opened the slider door revealing their clothes that were neatly stacked inside. Pete was surprised to see that everything had been already arranged inside the room. "Ae, when did you....?" Pete didn't know what to say further as he saw that the room was already properly arranged.

"Por was taking care of completing the remaining work so mae decided to help him. She talked to your mother and they both arranged all the stuff in the bedroom. Mae told me that they had fun doing everything. I guess most of our stuff is already inside the room. We can check it later after the celebration is over." Ae replied picking up clothes for them to wear.

"You mean to say that Por was looking after the work when we were away?" Pete asked in surprise. "Yes, I never thought he was planning of surprising me when I return. Seems like after marrying you, I have been getting lot of surprises my lucky charm." Ae said placing the clothes on the bed and wrapping his arms around his husband.

Pete smiled and then leaned forward placing his head on Ae's shoulder. "I thought por will be upset because we are moving out. I was feeling guilty thinking I am taking you away from them." Pete spoke in a low voice.

"Pete, it's not the way you think. Por and mae understands that we need some time alone. And it's not that we are moving out over some misunderstanding. We will be visiting them more often and it will be fun having some change. Also, if we stay at home, I will have to restrict myself a lot from holding you." Ae stated. Pete blushed as he heard those words.

"Ae we need to go downstairs, everyone will be waiting for us." Pete reminded. "Hmmmm... Let's get fresh." Ae said pulling away from the hug.

The couple got fresh and headed back downstairs to greet everyone. Both the families had already arranged for food and drinks. Everyone was busy enjoying themselves. Ohm and Fluke just arrived after taking care of some important matter at the office. They congratulated the couple and Pete took Fluke for a small detour of the house.

"Your new house looks lively." Fluke complimented. "Thanks Fluke... It's all done by Ae." Pete replied with a beaming smile. "P'Ae does love you a lot." Fluke spoke as he admired the place. "Yes..... He does..... I can't imagine my life without him. In our college days, we used to spend most of your time together. When I graduated, Ae made it a habit of visiting me every week." Pete spoke.

"So, you and P'Ae have been in a relationship that long?" Fluke asked with curiosity. "No.... It's hardly been 3-4 months." Pete replied shyly. Fluke's jaw dropped as he heard those words. "3-4 months??? And you are so sure that you both love each other?" Fluke asked in surprise.

"Well, we didn't recognize our feeling towards each other before my marriage was fixed with Ohm as you know. We had been together for so long that we didn't even come to know when we felt in love. It was like everybody else around us knew except us. But few incidences happened that made us realize that we love each other. We confessed in a very complicated situation and then finally came out to our parents. To our utter shock, they accepted us without any objection. We got very less time to spend before marriage. I won't complain though because Ae completed all my wishes. He took great efforts to fulfill each and every wish of mine. He took me on dates, trips and even proposed me in a very romantic way in front of our friends. I didn't have to think even once before saying yes since I was sure about my feelings for him. And now, you can see yourself how much he cares for me." Pete spoke as his mind rushed through all the sweet memories.

"Your story is really different. Ohm told me about what had happen. I sometimes feel like slapping Ohm for having been this rude to both of you. " Fluke stated with a bit of frown. "I feel it was Ohm's way of dealing with his internal conflicts. He had been having insecurities which made him be like that. Then, when he finally was happy, his happiness was taken away. He just needed someone to calm him down and show him the right path which apparently you did after coming back into his life again. No one will believe us if we tell what Ohm had done earlier." Pete replied.

"Yes.... He looks so different when I look at him now. I guess Nahm was a wrong influence and some of his things happened because of Nahm. I don't blame Ohm for them. He didn't even know what she was doing behind his back." Fluke said. "I feel sorry for whatever consequences Ohm had to bear because of Nahm. Por was so much angry with him. It was only after the investigation that por came to know that Ohm was not at fault." Pete informed.

"I must thank you for that. P'Ae told me that P'Sun helped him in this matter. He told me how P'Sun managed to gather all the information within such a short period." Fluke replied. "Phi has always been good at digging up everything. He is composed and knows what exactly he has to do in particular situation. When I am in undecided condition, he helps me make my choice without influencing my decision. And he does it so efficiently." Pete's heart almost swelled with the thought of having such a great brother. "I agree." Fluke concurred.

"Ae, your house is really beautiful but the interior seems to be resembling more of Pete." Ohm said looking around the place. "Yes.... I thought of designing it the way he would like." Ae replied. "That's good. I was also thinking of doing the same. Some private time wouldn't harm. Right?" Ohm asked. "Well, in that case, you must talk to Fluke. Because when I told Pete about moving into the new house, he was very upset. I had to convince him that it wasn't the way he was thinking. And por and mae helped me in it." Ae revealed. "Then, I better talk to Fluke before taking a step forward." Ohm spoke thoughtfully.

After a while Pete and Fluke appeared talking to each other. Everyone were busy enjoying the drinks and food while appreciating the love nest. The celebration lasted till evening with games and laughter.

When it started to get dark, the guests decided that it was better to leave the house to let the couple have some time alone. One by one everyone bid their goodbyes to the couple. Now, only the family members were left.

"Pete, we are leaving. Do visit us in between." Tuli said while gently stroking the hair of her son-in-law. "We will mae." Pete promised. Everyone walked out of the house with Ohm and Ae being the last one.

"Ae..... I have placed your house warming gift in your bedroom on the nightstand." Ohm said and winked at his brother. Ae was a bit confused thinking about what Ohm would have brought as a gift for him that he didn't allow anyone to see. "Thanks phi." Ae replied.

Soon, the cars drove out of the premises leaving the couple alone in their love nest.

My brother in law 2!!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz