"I wanted to become a gynecologist. As a teenager mind I thought if I became one I might get hook up- I'm sorry I might get end up with one of my patient."

He tells and an uncontrollable chuckle left from my lips. "Sorry."

"I know it's very wrong and very unprofessional to think but I'm being honest with you and I'm telling you this because I felt lonely throughtout my teenage years when other were cuddling with their girlfriends I was playing with my video games and doing my school works. So being a gyn and getting a woman for life that's what the second thing came in my mind." He explains, sweetly as ever. As a kind, sweet and good-looking person Robert is I'm finding it difficult to process he was single in this early age, girls should be head over at him and I wouldn't blame them because he's a very handsome man.

"What's the first?" I question.


"You said that was the second thing you wanted to be gyn so what's the first reason?" I tell and shove finger-full popcorns into my month.

"Oh no. You'll think I'm a pervert." He looks down, hiding his expressions from me.

"Come on I want to know please." I mumble through my half-full mouth.

"That I'll... get to finger their vaginas, I'm a bad so bad person, aren't I?" He hides his face with his hands. I almost choke on the popcorns when he said 'finger their vaginas'. Holy shit, Robert is not so pure hearted person I was thinking, he got his desires, which are...freaky.

"Not exactly bad but...weird." I say, after swallowing the food.

"Yeah I know. Teenage hormones, that's what my first thought, what a gyn do finger ladies but with a degree." He moves his pretty sizeable fingers in the air like he's playing piano but in a comically way.

Well I like his humour, what's a gyn? A person who fingers you professionally but had to have a degree to do it and you've to pay. And if a handsome gyno is like Robert, women might come to his clinic not to just check-up on their vaginas but also to you know; to get a little orgasms by his fingers, could you blame them though? I won't, for sure.

"But now I'm thinking about becoming a pediatrician. Children can be annoying as hell but I love kids and pediatrician seems more fun, I'll get interact with them, play with them a more importantly care them, you know." He shrugs.

"Aw, that's so nice, Robert." I brush my fingers across his arm. "But what you didn't succeed in that? What you'll be next? Second plan?"

"Maybe a...chef at the restaurant?" He tells after thinking for a second.

"A chef? then I'd never going to go eat in that restaurant you're making food at." I tease.

"Hey! Don't doubt at my cooking skills?" He throws a popcorn from his bowl at me. "I'm a brilliant cook." He acts offended.

"Yeah? Then what's the dish you're really good at making?"

"I can make the best boiling water." We both laugh, but my laughter is much louder than him.

"Okay. So why you wanted to spend your night with me watching some boring movie that you and I weren't going to like in the first place?" I asks after I stop laughing.

"Well I...I want you to have fun because I saw you all stressed at the restaurant so I had an idea to lighten up you mood and the best thing that came into my mind is watch a movie with you." He points at the muted screen. "Well I failed in that apparently and you're here bored with me." He states.

"Yeah, I was but talking to you it made me feel better." I tell him.

"I'm glad." He places his hand on his chest. "Can I ask you something?" His expression is serious now.

"Of course."

"Stop me if I'm getting to personal." Okay, now I don't know what to say. "Why are you sad?" He asks, directly looking into my eyes.

"I'm not," I answer, quickly.

"You so are. The first time and I met you Tessa you were so different, I remember that very well as a daylight though you were fighting with him..." I almost stop breathing at the name of him. "Even though you were fighting you were lively but now you're sad. I'm observing this quite a year now you're not happy as much you used to be." He conveys.

Is it that obvious in my face that people can read it. "It's nothing really in particular."

"Is it about him? You know you can talk to about him, I'm okay with it." He asks me as softly as he could be.

"I know but I don't want you to drag into this, I did that with someone and it got messy causing never to speak with him ever again and I don't want that with you." I tell sweetly, I really don't want Robert end up like Zed's fate, he don't deserve that and they're totally to different person to begin with. So I've keep my past mistakes away so it didn't ruin my current friendship. "So don't worry I'll fine and it's nothing to do with him. Let just finish the movie shall we?" I move my direction at the screen.

"Sure whatever you say," he unmute the TV and he switch to some animal documentry because he and I we both can't stand the movie.

"Are you cold?" He asks as I shiver and rub my arms with my palms.

"Yeah," I nod.

"Here, have it," he offers the other end of blanket that he was in it. It's big enough for the two, so I scoot closer to him, lifting it up I get under it too.

Watching the penguins swimming, I didn't know when my eyes closed and I drift off to sleep.

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