07: Mr. Snuffles

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I dig my fingers into the silk sheets, glancing at the clock on my bedside. 4:23.
I fall back onto my pillow and spread my arms wide, staring at the ceiling blankly. The cold air from my fan felt sweet with the sweat drenching my body.

Pulling myself out of bed, I blink sleep out of my eyes and take a quick shower. I rushed through my skincare and brushed my teeth and hair. Slipping on some black shorts and an oversized t-shirt, I make the bed with Mr. Bunny under the covers. It was really cold in the mornings. I didn't want him to freeze.

Before leaving to go to the kitchen, I decide to put on some fluffy socks too. Even though their floors somehow never got cold, I didn't want to take the risk. Yawning, I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen in a daze. The windows reflected pure black. I definitely wasn't going outside.

I was about to enter the kitchen when a cold, sharp object slid to the base of my throat. I suck in a breath. Strong hands grabbed my wrists forcefully, pulling me into a hard chest. The dream. The dream. The dream. It's them. It's them.

"Who are you? What's your business here?" A dark voice growls out. My legs tremble when the knife gets closer to my skin. I need to do something. My chest is frozen, no breaths coming in or out. I can't speak. I need to move. I need to do something.

A bloodcurdling scream echoes throughout the house and the knife makes contact with my neck. The familiar warm liquid drips down onto my shirt and guilt overwhelms me. I stained the shirt they got me. I just wasted it.

"Shut the hell up before you wake up the Don," The man hisses, dragging me back into the darkness. His body suddenly stiffens and the knife clatters on the warm wooden floors. I immediately force myself out of his hold and run forward into strong arms.

Looking up, I'm met with Val's worried gaze. His eyes lock on something a little below my face and pure rage contorts his face. I force a small smile, trying to reassure him that I'm okay, that I'm fine. My smile doesn't seem to reach him as I'm gently passed to Marcello, who wraps his arms around my back and forces me into his chest. 

"Pensavi davvero di poter fare del male alla mia sorellina a casa mia?" Val whispers lowly, pausing with each word. Goosebumps rose on my skin at his deadly tone. He's so mad. (Did you really think you could hurt my little sister in my own home?)

"I-I thought she was breaking in, I-"

"Che incredibilmente stupido," He laughs dryly. Marc lifts my head to inspect my neck. "Credi che una ragazza che dimostra appena dieci anni entrerebbe in casa nostra? Forse dovremmo tagliarti gli occhi come punizione." (How incredibly stupid. You believe a girl who barely looks ten would break into our house? Maybe we should cut out your eyes as punishment.)

Marc grabs my hand and gently pulls me out of the kitchen. I glance back at Val and the strange man. Would he be okay? What if he hurts Val? We pass a wall and they're out of my line of sight. I hold onto Marc's hand tightly as he leads me through the house and into a bright room.

Marc gently grabs ahold of my waist and lifts me onto a doctor's bed. I shift to get more comfortable when Luca rushes in the room, his eyes franticlly surveying my body for injuries. His clothes were rumpled and he looked like he just got out of bed. "Tesoro, are you feeling okay? Dad just told me what happened."

I swallow harshly, nodding my head. I didn't want any more excessive attention. The bed creaks next to me as Marc grabs my hand, interlocking our fingers with a gentle squeeze. Luca sits down on a rolly chair and comes towards me, dragging a rolling cart along with him. He tilts my head up and I'm forced to look into a bright light.

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