(Captain Marvel) Chapter 6: Return of a Myth

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Scene shows Kratus outside seated, as Vers or now Carol walked towards him and seats.

Carol: What're you doing outside?

Kratus: Grabbing some air.

She saw him holding a ring in the middle finger.

Kratus: The ring contains my costume, my friend Phastos did it for me, he was one of the only people who understood why I do what I do, the other is... Druig.

Carol: Can you... tell me all your Eternal friends?

Kratus: Well... sure. Where do I start?

Carol: With Makkari.

Kratus: Well... she is my ex, a loyal member of the family, deaf but she is smart, really fast, cute, likes to cuddle, she... she is very kind.

Carol: What happened?

Kratus: Our relationship... it got tested. We were in a situation we... we couldn't just enter, so we got distant, I respected her space but later... we felt disconnected, so when I found about the truth, what broke me was that she wasn't with me. So I left The Domo and... never returned.

Carol: Do you hate her?

Kratus: No... I don't. I can't, I understand why she did it and why she felt that... I can't blame her. Moving on... after that is Kingo.

Carol: Kingo?

Kratus: That's his name, he's... a movie star, has a big imagination and very attracted to fame. Then there's Thena, a warrior, beautiful, fearless, she is a true fighter, but... she suffers from something we call Mahd Wy'ry, so they exiled her with her partner, Gilgamesh, something... I wanted to deny, I wanted to help Thena, but I couldn't.

Carol: Who's Gilgamesh?

Kratus: The strongest of the eleven of us, but still very kind. Them there's Druig who's very challenging but... pacifist, Sersi is kind and wants to help humans grow and advance faster. Phastos is the mind of the group also wanting to help humans advance but he made a mistake.

Carol: Which is?

Kratus: He created two nuclear bombs 50 years ago, when he realized what he did... he gave up on us, on humanity and never again used his powers. Sprite is the little sister even when she is same age as us, likes telling stories, a believer and very sarcastic. Then there's... Ajak, my former leader and in a way, my big sister. She is wise, but to loyal to those damn Celestials, and then there's literally the guy I wanna pummel to the moon back and forth, Ikaris. Son of a bitch is only loyal to Ajak and Arishem, a slave, tried to convince him but failed.

Carol: Sounds like a crazy family.

Kratus: *chuckles* It is.

Carol smiling looks down.

Carol: I wanted to say... thank you.

Kratus: For what exactly?

Carol: For thinking that... I could be-

Kratus: You again?

Carol: Well... yeah.

Kratus: It was... nothing.

Carol looks at him as he looks down but she just pulls him to a hug which catches him off guard.

Carol: Let me help you.

Kratus: Huh?

Carol: You don't look very... just... let me help you with your problems, like you did with me.

Kratus moves his head and looks at Carol who started to look at him as well, the look at each other's lips until they heard steps and separated quickly from the hug and looked at the door seeing Maria.

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