"Wait, wait, wait. What else is there, what do you see?"

"The phones dying. I can't talk. I have to go... Please."

Then I realised. "Stiles, why are you whispering?" He breathed shakily.

"Because I think there's someone in here with me." My face dropped.

The first place we thought to check was his house so I got on my bike and Scott and Isaac got on his. When we entered his bedroom we found Aiden and Lydia already there. "How did you know. Did he call you too?" Scott asked.

"I heard it." Lydia said making brief eye contact with me. 

"Don't ask." Aiden told us. "It get's more confusing when you ask."

"Okay." Isaac mumbled.

"Not as confusing as this." Lydia said as we looked at the red string connecting from his bed to the 'evidence' on his board. "He uses red for unsolved cases."

"Yeah. I know. I do the same. I helped him make the board." I said. My heart sinking.

"Maybe he think's he's part of an unsolved case?" Aiden suggested.

"Or is an unsolved case." Isaac added.

"Hold on. Is he still out there?" Lydia questioned. "You don't know where he is?!" 

"He said he's in an industrial basement somewhere." Scott explained.

 "We came here to get a better scent." Said Isaac.

"What else did he say?"

"Something's wrong with his leg. He's bleeding."

"And he's freezing." Me and Isaac said.

"Tonight's the coldest night of the year. It's gonna drop into the 20's." Aiden told us.

"What did his dad say?" Lydia asked, her voice remaining calm. Managing to calm me down a bit.

"We kind of... didn't tell him yet." Scott said.

"Stiles is bleeding and freezing and you didn't call his dad?" She started getting louder now, making me less calm again.

"He made us promise not to, we can find him by scent. If he was sleepwalking he couldn't have gotten far, right."

"You guys didn't notice his jeep was gone, did you?" Aiden asked. 

"You promised you wouldn't call his dad. I didn't." Lydia began dialling.

"Wait, Lydia, hold on." She looked up at me. "I can get more help. I can call Derek, Allison..."

"Everyone except the cops. Great idea." She cut me off. 

"You guys remember she only gets these feelings  when someones about to die, right?" Aiden said. He wasn't helping and I would preferred he shut up. But that might have also had something to do with him sleeping with Lydia.

"You don't have to call his dad. It's five minuted to the station." I said against my better judgement. If you could call it that. We turned to leave.

She grabbed my hand. "We'll catch them up."


"There is something here."

"Yeah. Evidence of total insanity." Isaac said. 

"We can find out what's wrong with him after we find a way of keeping him from freezing to death." Scott added.

"Go. We'll be right behind you."

My phone buzzed a few minutes later from Scott. 

Nothing at the hospital. Derek headed to high school. Isaac going to find Allison. Im with Stiles' dad. 

"And we're standing in a bedroom staring at walls." She rolled her eyes at me.

"What did you just do?" She asked as I pulled a string. "Did you just touch one of the strings?" 

"Maybe." She pulled another string. 

"What did that sound like to you?" 

"Like a string being pulled."

"You didn't hear people whispering?"

"I definitely did not hear people whispering."

She moved her ear closer to it and pulled it again. "You didn't hear that?" She whispered.

"Lydia I'm not sure anyone hears what you hear."

"They're whispering. Something about a house." 

"What house?"

She pulled it again. "That one." She said looking up to a picture of a large building.

"Eichen house."

"That's where he is. That's where Stiles is." 

[ON HOLD] Malia Tate | green yellow... and redWhere stories live. Discover now