Chapter 18

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I woke up to a face directly above me.

"What in the world?" I exclaimed.

She let out a short laugh, "Happy Birthday!"

I tried to escape her stare, by rolling over.

"It's just another day."

"No, it's not!" She huffed, clearly annoyed with my lack of enthusiasm. "You're eighteen!"

"Almost a grandma," I muttered, ignoring her excitement.

"Sophie!" She snapped. "Get up. Come downstairs and enjoy yourself."

I looked at her for a moment, analysing her eyes.

"Fine," I muttered, giving in.

"Which one do you want to open first?" Julie asked, pointing towards the parcels.

Everyone was around me, watching in excitement.

"This one," I murmured, picking up a rectangular box.

It felt extremely strange, having more than one present. 

"That ones from me," Liam grinned.

I started unwrapping the paper.

"Oh thank you!" I cried, staring at the beautiful shoes. They were high top converses, but unlike any, I'd ever seen before. They were the colour of cream and covered in beautiful embroidered flowers.

"Jules wanted to get something that matched her present." He murmured.

I didn't have enough time to reply before another present was thrust upon me.

"This is from Angus and me." Julie smiled.

When I finally pulled apart all the wrapping, every little part of me froze in the moment. They had reached in and taken the inner Sophie by the hand.

"Oh my gosh..." I whispered.

"You like it?" Julie asked.

A tear slid down my cheek.


It was a cream t-shirt, covered in embroidered flowers. They were wildflowers, the same colours and shapes to those embedded in my heart, but it wasn't the flowers that caused me to catch my breath, it was the quote. It ran across the centre, twirling in a beautiful font. The melody rang throughout my ears, as I stood there motionless.

"Angus said your mum used to sing it to you."

I nodded, trying to keep myself together.

"Did you embroider this?" I asked.

"Yes. I did the converses too."

I turned into her, wrapping my arms around her in an urgent spasm.

"Thank you so much." I smiled into her hair.

"We're not finished yet." She muttered, clearly touched by my reaction.

Mandy's hand pressed something against my palm. It was a small rectangle.

"This is from your Father."

I gently pulled away the lid, to reveal a shiny object. I stared at it, in disbelief.

"But he always hated these so much."

"Looks like he changed his mind." Jackson chuckled.

It felt weird to hold like it was too fragile or something. I shook my head again and again.

"I'll help you set it up, and then he wants to ring you," Julie explained.

My heart grew giddy with happiness. Never had I been so touched and so grateful to have such wonderful people in my life.

For the first time in months, I let my heart speak. "I love you all so much. Thank you."

It shocked me to know, I truly meant it. They were family, and I did love them. I stared at the t-shirt watching the words smile up at me. A small wave of relief rushed through me, my love for these people could never eclipse my love for her.

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