Chapter 2

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I stepped out and the heat nearly knocked me over. I was in jeans and a cotton top and suddenly I was sweating, wanting to shred my clothes and dive into a deep lagoon. I went on forcing myself into the never-ending humidity when I heard someone calling my name. I looked up to see a girl sprinting towards me. How the hell was she running in this furnace, I thought vaguely and then I realised who she was and why she was running and without thinking I smiled.

"Sophie!!" She cried and in one big leap, she had me in her arms.

Laughing and crying I couldn't quite tell.

"Hi," I whispered, in her hair.

"Ohhh it is soo so good to see you!" She gasped, not letting go.

"Guys com'n." Julie turned and looked at her family.

They walked over all smiling ridiculously.

"It is so good to see you again," Jackson murmured and gave me a big hug, something I doubted my father was capable of.

"It is good to see you too, Jackson."

And then he stepped back revealing the two I didn't know.

The woman's face broke into a warm smile, "It is so very nice to finally meet you, Sophie."

She spoke in a voice that was so sweet, it reminded me of my mother and for a moment I couldn't breathe. As though Julie felt my pain she introduced me to her brother. Liam grinned at me, his light brown hair flopping on his head. He was two years older than me, young, fit and cute, somebody who in the past I would've liked and yet it was as though he didn't exist. We started making our way inside and I realised Julie's twin wasn't there.

"Where's Angus?"

She frowned, "He had a surfing comp so he couldn't come. He should be back by the time we get back."

"No, I don't mind, I was just wondering."

She laughed. Such a genuine laugh, that for a moment I was jealous.

"No-no-no. He wants to meet you. Trust me, he was devastated when he found out 'the golden girl from Inverloch' was arriving during his comp."

Something emerged from my chest. It was almost a laugh.

"I'm not 'the golden girl.'"

"Yes, you are. You literally look like you've got a halo."

"You mean my hair?"

I reached up and touched it. She started laughing again.

"Don't worry Angus is a 'golden boy' too."

The thought stayed with me as we drove along the coast until we reached their house. It was a very nice house, modern and overlooking the aqua sea. We walked up the steps, passed a small black Volvo and a huge frangipani tree. It amazed me how delicious small flowers could smell.

"Guess what!" Julie whispered enthusiastically.

"What?" I asked, trying to sound interested when all I really wanted to do was fall asleep under the delightful flowers.

"We're having pizza!" She did a little dance up to her room.


She turned and stared at me.

"I'm sorry. That was stupid. I-I don't know how to act around you... I'm so sorry Soph."

I hated how everyone said that. 'I'm sorry.' It wasn't their fault.

"I don't really want to talk about it," I whispered.

She smiled a big smile and hugged me. She gave good hugs. Hugs that made you feel warm all over.

"I'm so glad you're here. We-"

She was interrupted as someone lunged through the door. He smelled and looked like the ocean itself.

"Sophie!!" He cried.

Just like his sister, I thought. I didn't even get a chance to look at him before he gave me a big hug. This family really was the hugging kind. As his arms came around me I realised just how wet he was and in a sudden jerk, I pulled back.

"Oh shit sorry." He laughed, suddenly embarrassed.

I couldn't help it, I just started laughing and then I abruptly stopped.

"Your Dad was right, you really have forgotten to laugh," Julie stared at me, her grey eyes piercing mine and then her expression broke.

"Congrats you wet fish! You're officially the first to make her laugh."

He seemed to ignore his sister, "I really am sorry Sophie. Now that I think about it I look like I've been drenched in the ocean," He stopped for a moment, "Well I kind of have."

He smiled down at me. It was a real warm smile, something that obviously came naturally.

"It is very nice to finally meet you, Angus."

Small droplets fell off his hair and drizzled down his face and instead of giving me another awkward hug, he simply shook my hand. I looked into his eyes and suddenly felt something melt. It was the first time something like this had happened in months. A honey-like warmth flowed from the small area his hand touched mine and I was suddenly very dizzy. I immediately turned away.

"Julie, I'm very tired. Do you think I could have a small nap before dinner?"

"Of course gorgeous."

I fell on her bed in a sudden collapsing spasm. Sleep hit me immediately and yet I still dreamed. I was in an aqua ocean. Everything was beautifully bright. And then I started falling, tumbling along the ocean floor until I was standing in front of a boy, whose aqua eyes penetrated mine, liquifying my being in an instant.

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