Chapter 4

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The morning sunshine seeped through the glass and landed on my cheek. Julie was already up in the shower and just as I was about to reach for my school uniform I realised it was a Saturday. What in the world was she planning? Making my way down the stairs I sat on the sofa and waited patiently for her to come downstairs. Liam had had a late-night gigging and Angus was nowhere to be seen.

"Morning Sophie," Mandy grinned.

"Morning," I whispered, making my way to the kitchen bench.

"Where's Jules?" She asked.

"She's having a shower..."

"She never gets up this early to have a shower, on a Saturday." She muttered, turning on the coffee machine.

"It is a tad odd," I said under my breath.

Her response was missed as the machine churned the coffee.

"Angus off surfing is he?" I inquired.

"Yeah, left at six this morning."

I didn't know what to say, so I simply nodded and started watching the brown liquid drizzle onto the white frothiness of the mug.

"Sophie!!" Cried Julie, who suddenly appeared on the stairs.

I couldn't help but grin at her braided hair and ecstatic expression.

"You've been here two whole weeks... And just finished a whole five days of school."

She made it sound like such an achievement.

"I don't think it's that amazing," I smirked.

"We need to celebrate!"

She started pulling me up the stairs.

"Here, wear this." She motioned to the honey-coloured shape in the bathroom. "We are going to have a girls' day out."

"Okay," I murmured.

I went and grabbed my bikini and just as I was about to shut the door she thrust a purple oval in my hand.

"What's this?"

Her laughter echoed through the hall as she went to retrieve something else. It was a thin rectangular object, which I assumed had to be a phone.

"Any song you want..." I watched as she flicked through Spotify.

When was the last time I listened to music? The thought bugged me as she closed the door. I never really paid much attention to 'phones'. They were odd things, but something was fascinating as I pressed my index finger to one of the titles. A sound. A happy sound emerged from the purple oval. I listened for a while and felt the music vibrate through my limbs. I couldn't help it, I started unthinkably jumping up and down as I turned on the shower. 

"You are the dancing queen

Young and sweet

Only seventeen

Dancing queen

Feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah

You can dance, you can jive

Having the time of your life

Ooh, see that girl

Watch that scene

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